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News from the Arlee Community Development Corporation

ARLEE — The Jocko Valley Trails Committee of the Arlee Community Development Corporation has announced construction of a pedestrian/bicyclist trail along Highway 93 from the Jocko Road intersection to the Coldwater Lane intersection will begin early this spring. This trail will connect with the trail built in spring 2013 from Arlee to the Jocko Road intersection, which was constructed with funding from a Community Transportation Enhancement Program grant received through Lake County, and additional funding through Bikes Belong Foundation, Lower Flathead Valley Community Foundation and High Stakes Foundation. 

The first phase of construction of this trail is slated to begin around April 1 and be completed by the end of May. This phase will consist of laying the trail foundation, installing culverts as necessary, and preparing the surface for asphalt. The second phase should occur this summer or fall, in which the trail will be paved, signs installed and disturbed areas reseeded. 

The trail is being constructed through a cooperative agreement between the Arlee Community Development Corporation, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDOT), Salish Kootenai College and Kicking Horse Job Corps. MDOT has donated materials for the sub-base and base of the trail; SKC’s Highway Construction Program will haul the donated materials from the “Y” near Missoula to the job site, and KHJC’s Heavy Equipment Program will construct the trail. Monies to pay for the fuel costs and purchase needed culverts and miscellaneous materials will come from a Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks’ Recreational Trails Program grant received by the Arlee CDC. Monies to complete the paving of the trail, installation of signage and reseeding will be provided through a second Community Transportation Enhancement Program grant received by the Arlee CDC through Lake County. 

This section of trail will be constructed within the highway right-of-way and should cause minimal disruption to local traffic.

Those who have any questions or concerns may write, phone or email Gary Decker at 72984 Shy Bear Lane, Arlee, MT 59821; (406) 726-4149;

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