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Initiative-193 benefits few, costs many

Editor, Initiative-193 appears to be a do-over of HB 241, a bill that would have required the MT Fish & Wildlife Commission to allow hunting by non-tribal members on fee lands within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation. I-193 would grant a benefit to a limited number of landowners, at the expense of the rest of Montana’s citizens. HB 241 was introduced by Representative Joe Read in the 67th Legislature. Representative Read missed an important step in drafting this bill, which was to consult with the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, which he had an obligation to do as their representative of HD 93, which is entirely on the Flathead Reservation. Openi...

May better aspects of human nature prevail

Editor, Today I was tuned into the Saturday morning MSNBC show “The Weekend.” In one segment they had Wes Moore on. Westley Oman Moore, born 1978, Governor of Maryland since 2023. He’s also an investment banker, author, and former television producer. He was so articulate and wise as ...

Peace Voice

When I was in prison for my nonviolent anti-nuclear actions, one of my disciplines was to write something for publication daily--a letter to the editor, an opinion piece, a book review, or even mediocre poetry. One hundred percent of my writing was in opposition to nuclear weapons. I couldn’t vote w...

Peace Voice

Born into a Republican family in Louisiana, a state increasingly painted in shades of red, I grew up amidst conservative dialogues with honest values. My childhood was steeped in Republican ideologies, shaping my early political outlook. However, as I matured, my views began to diverge from my family’s...

Peace Voice

We all have our reasons for getting alarmed about the climate crisis. With bare ground at Christmas and no snow on the horizon, my neighbors just got theirs. This Northern Maine valley nestles against the border of Canada – and winter without snow is unfathomable. Snowmobiling is a big deal around h...

Women don’t want government controlling their bodies

Editor, Abortion has become a “hot topic” in our country these days. The Republicans who have been pushing this issue now wish it would go away. But it won’t, apparently. Abortion, also known as “Reproductive Health Care,” has captured the attention of women all over our nati...

Legislative Notes  Legislative Notes

There’s no way Republican legislators would rather ring in a new year than with lower taxes, and that’s exactly what we’ve done to kick off 2024.  As of January 1st, Montanans of all income levels are now paying lower income taxes, thanks to legislation that just went into effect. T...

Ending campaign for state senate

Editor,  Today I made the difficult decision to end my campaign to serve you in the Montana State Senate. It sounds cliche, but I’m doing it to for family reasons. I thought campaigning and serving in the Legislature would be easier now that my kids are out of diapers. But I recently returned f...

Slices of Life

I read a quote that resonated with me on multiple levels. Upon checking it out, it originated from someone known as MrsMopar on iFunny and it went something like this: “I admire those with hairstyles. I don’t have a hairstyle, but thankfully I have hair. Most days it has zero caterpillars in i...

Valley Views

It’s hard to imagine, given how invested I feel in a slate of consequential elections that are still almost a year away, that we began 2023 with an equally consequential legislative session.  A 90-ish day gauntlet in the dead of winter, this session saw a historic supermajority for the Republic...

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