Letters to the Editor
Editor, I would like to thank the voters of HD12 for electing me to represent them for the last eight years. It has been an honor representing the citizens of Montana and Lake County. I know both of the candidates running to replace me as the Representative for HD12. Only one of those individuals will continue to represent voters as I have with the same values and principles that a majority of voters in HD12 expect. That individual is Linda Reksten. Reksten was born and raised in Lake County. She understands our community and will work hard to solve problems we all share as citizens of Lake County and Montana. She served as the Superintendent of Schools f...
Editor, Lisa Pavlock is a representative in the legislature that will prioritize the health and wellbeing of the people in Lake County. Pavlock understands that we must have access to affordable healthcare in our district in order to continue to grow our economy and support our residents and this me...
Editor, After watching the “presidential” debate, I had the following thoughts: I adore children. I loved teaching them for 30 years. Reflecting back, they responded well, knowing my respect for them as individuals. On the first day of school, they wrote their own rules and consequences, givin...
Editor, We have a great choice for Representative from House District 12: Gerry Browning. I got to know Browning, mainly through her volunteer work as the treasurer of the Flathead Lake International Cinemafest. As the owner of two different Polson businesses, she was deeply vested in the Polson ...
Editor, Linda Reksten is a candidate whose qualifications made her an ideal person to hold office as a Montana State Representative. She knows what it is to serve the public, based on the 34 years in public education, 17 years as principal and seven years as superintendent in Butte. She believes ...
Editor, I’m proud to contribute to Montana’s biggest industry as a farmer. We put food on the table for families across the country and the world, but we need the support of our leaders to continue doing our job. President Trump is renegotiating trade deals that are crucial to M...
Editor, Dr. Linda Reksten is an outstanding legislative candidate in House District 12. She is a fourth-generation resident of Polson. She has a distinguished 34-year career in education, with 17 years as an elementary school principal, four years as Polson School Superintendent and wrote two books ...
Editor, Politics. Let me be clear: I don’t enjoy it. Fundraising calls disguised as opinion polls, one-liner character assassinations (did you know Candidate X collects dead body parts? Think about that!), endless repetitions of attack ads that don’t address competency or record, etc etc...
Editor, To the undecided and independents: you will decide the next make up of our state’s political leaders and national representatives. You are the ones that determine our collective voice. Please be responsible and use your voice through your ballot. A Montana impartial political histor...
Editor, I am writing in support of Gerry Browning who is running for MT HD12. Browning’s experience in the medical field and as a business owner gives her a wide range of knowledge and experience to represent her constituents and the state of Montana. She believes in responsible government and...