Valley Journal
Valley Journal

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Legislative Notes

As a farmer, I know firsthand that good things take time. Every year, I plant my fields with crops like wheat, barley, peas, and saffron, and in July, August, and September, I harvest those crops and reap what I’ve sown. Writing laws is much the same – and this fall, after a long spring and summer of working with Republicans and Democrats, Montana is set to reap urgently-needed upgrades to our crumbling infrastructure and strong economic growth across our state, thanks to my bipartisan infrastructure bill that was signed into law by the president. This package will invest in roads, bridges, water systems, high-speed internet; create good-paying jobs; and allow us to compet...

Ben there, done that for Nov. 24, 2021

Microchips surround us: essential components of everything  from our cell phones to dishwashers to automobiles and nearly all of life’s amenities. An unparalleled level of convenience and ease to various aspects of our lives depends on microchips. Just consider all the devices you interact with on...

Another View

When you’re losing the game, summon the commies. And conservative white America has been losing for quite some time — losing control of the future, that is. The good old days of unabated white supremacy aren’t coming back; racism can only maintain a public forum, and political relevance,...

Love on the other side of complexity Love on the other side of complexity

In the early 1980s, while living in China, my wife and I got lost in an unfamiliar city. At the time our Chinese language skills were non-existent, so we couldn’t ask for directions, let alone understand the answers. It was hot and humid, and after four hours of wandering we were tired, hungry and dehy...

Ben there, don that for Nov. 10, 2021

Art – for millennia every single culture has emphasized channeling precious time and resources to create objects of beauty. Such objects of affection have fulfilled many distinct purposes. Art has been displayed in religious contexts and ceremonies, political and governmental contexts to signify author...

valley views for Oct. 13, 2021

In its most simple form, life is composed of beginnings, middles and endings.  Often much of our focus is on the beginning and endings. They are exciting. They are newness and the shredding of the old. They are the adrenaline rush of life.  We look forward to our first day on the job. We wait...

View from the library

We are excited to present, “Meet the Library Apps” hosted by our Technology Librarian Sierra Ross. On Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 3 p.m. come meet Sierra and the library’s collection of websites and apps providing eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Sierra will introduce you to seven unique di...

Ben there, done that for Oct. 27, 2021

Wildfires – almost an inescapable fact of life around the northwest. Every year thousands upon thousands of acres of forest go up in smoke in the waning months of summer. Powerful, shifting wind patterns move smoke hundreds of miles resulting in unpredictable air quality: clear skies one day and thick ...

Valley View

Growing up in rural Utah, I had incredible public hunting opportunities just like so many in Montana have enjoyed for generations. I spent time with family and friends, pursuing mule deer and elk on both public and private lands in what were the defining moments of my upbringing.  That all changed wh...

Valley View

The American Families Plan federal budget, is a groundbreaking expansion of health care, education, and prosperity for hardworking families.  They say the budget will make taxes fairer, create jobs, mitigate climate change, and improve education and health care.   Tax Fairness The budget is...

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