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Why do politicians lie?

We’ve all heard the quip, “how do you know when a politician is lying?” Answer: His lips are moving. But there’s another obvious question that begs an obvious answer. Why do politicians lie? Answer: Because they can. The American media – or what could once be legitimately called the media – draws our attention every day to the lies they have caught their least-favored politicians saying. Often, they are incredibly blatant. The furrowed brows on the left (CNN, MSNBC and the major networks), were almost gleeful when they could trip up Trump in a self-serving fib. Carlson, Hannity and other featured fellows on Fox News hold forth with an unending...

Shodair supporters help make Christmas a success

During the holiday, all of us at Shodair were amazed and thankful for the support and donations we received from the community to make the holidays special for patients in our care. As a father I know how magical this time of year is to children, and the amazing team at Shodair works hard to create a compara...

ben there, done that for Feb. 2, 2022

Most of us love a good bargain. Price plays perhaps the biggest role in purchasing decisions across nearly all domains. Nowhere is this more evident than in the fashion and apparel industry where many brick-and-mortar stores have been subject to a financial pummeling in the last decade. This “retail ap...

Legislative Notes Legislative Notes

Our rights to not have our property or persons searched or seized without a warrant, to not be harassed by the government without good reason, and to conduct our own peaceful affairs with minimal intrusion are increasingly challenged by new technology. Our smartphones track our every movement, many personal ...

Slices of Life

There’s something about a new year that often has me reflecting on time. I guess that’s fairly natural. For many of us, January is a time of assessing priorities, setting goals, wrapping up the old year and planning for what’s to come. This year, those thoughts were punctuated by a note ...

Valley Views

One of the great motion pictures of all time was the 1939 Academy Award blockbuster directed by the legendary Frank Capra called Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.  The movie was based on an unpublished manuscript by Lewis R. Foster with the title, “The Gentleman from Montana.”  Columbia pic...

View from the Library

We are really looking forward to 2022 here at the library with the return of some favorite programs and some big changes on the horizon for our building. Story Time returns on Thursday mornings at 9:15 a.m. starting Jan. 13. This program is geared toward kids ages 3-5 and their parents or caregivers. Each...

Health View

When I was a little girl, my most prized possession was my Fisher Price hospital. I took it with me everywhere I went and I would play for hours with the little round blue people with their surgical masks and blonde ponytails. Even though the figure dressed like a doctor was clearly a man and the ponytailed ...

Health View

Are you thinking about changing your habits in the next year to achieve better health? Are you thinking about trying to eat healthier or perhaps becoming more active? If the answer is yes, then you have joined thousands of others who are setting goals to adopt a healthier lifestyle, whether it be to protect ...

A Taylor’d Approach

Recently a friend of mine told me about a principle she’d learned from a Buddhist: everything is transient. I may not be Buddhist myself, but the concept intrigued me. It touches on something we all know but do a wonderful job of keeping out of our day-to-day thoughts.  The impermanence in life...

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