Articles Written By: Berl Tiskus

RONAN — A two-vehicle wreck July 6 at about 2:30 p.m. south of Ronan left drivers shaken up, but alive. The female driver of a car heading south on Highway 93 turned left off onto Ashley Lake Road and said she didn’t see a one-ton dually pickup approaching. The driver of the pi...

POLSON — Financing the irrigation project on the Olde Nine at the Polson Bay Golf Course, a new fleet of golf carts and a golf cart storage building was a hot agenda item at the July 6 Polson City Commission meeting. City and golf course management have been looking at replacing the irrigation syste...
Orange blossom wheat midges have nothing to do with weddings and everything to do with destroying a spring wheat crop. The little insects are about half the size of a mosquito and neon orange. Midges lay their eggs in the wheat flower. When the larvae hatch in about a week, they eat the wheat kernels. &nb...

POLSON — It was a typical summer morning at the Polson Shooter’s Association Range, and all the shooting benches were full. Wait, all those shooters were women. There’s a reason for that. The range was hosting its first National Rifle Association Women on Target instructio...
Remember to nominate your neighbor or yourself for the Best Bloomin’ Residence and Best Bloomin’ Business contest put on by the Beautification Committee of Envision Polson. Forms are available at Southshore Greenhouse, Delaney’s Landscape Center, Inc., Mission View Greenhouse, Vine...

POLSON — The 75th annual Mission Mountain NRA Rodeo on June 26 began with mutton bustin’ for the littlest cowgirls and cowboys. Three girls and seven boys marched across the arena at the Polson fairgrounds to do battle with sheep by such names as Sheeping Beauty, Shear Terror, Woolly Bul...

POLSON — All that was needed to make a perfect Fourth of July was someone handing out hot dogs and apple pie at the Polson parade. The sky was blue, the parade route was lined with folks dressed in red, white and blue, many holding flags, the Polson High School band played “The Stars and...

POLSON — Oscar Baertsch has seen a few Fourth of Julys around Lake County — 100 to be exact. Many of them would have him as part of a big family group at a campground or fishing somewhere. Oscar turned 100 years old on July 6 but celebrated his birthday on the Fourth of July, waving to ...
POLSON — Underlying turmoil has been plaguing the fire department, and it came to a head when several fire department officers signed a letter of no confidence in Fire Chief John Fairchild and gave it to Polson City Manager Mark Shrives in November of 2014. Shrives immediately did his own investigation...

POLSON — With temperatures in the 90s, a ban on fireworks and worries about no moisture, fire is on everybody’s mind. The Polson Rural Fire District special meeting on July 1 was blazing, too, from the stifling temperature of the Fairgrounds Fire Station to the opinions of people attending. ...