Articles Written By: Berl Tiskus

Drifts of dead grasshoppers lay under a couple of pickups at David and Sue Nash’s ranch in Irvine Flats, remnants of horrific grasshopper hatches in the area. They have to shovel them up and burn them or they decay and smell. “It’s just staggering how many grasshoppers there are this yea...

PABLO — With a short agenda to allow everybody to enjoy the Arlee Celebration, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes quarterly meeting got underway on July 3 with an honor song from the Brother drum group and a prayer by Kevin Howlett, head of tribal health. With 64 days to go unti...
POLSON — Jack Manningham is a bully: controlling, manipulative and verbally abusive. He is played to perfection by Port Polson Players veteran Bob DiGiallonardo in “Gaslight,” a Victorian thriller set in the drawing room of an 1800s London home. As the story begins, Jack badgers...

PABLO — Kids and their parents were jumping rope, playing native games, rolling the dice in a fitness game, as well as learning about how much sugar was in their favorite sodas and sports drinks and getting weighed and measured. All these activities took place at a Communities at Play family fun ...

POLSON — The wild roses bloomed early, haying started early and now the Flathead sweet cherries are ripening early. The Finley Point cherry plant will be opening as early as July 5, according to Brian Campbell, Monson Fruit Company field representative and local cherry grower. Sun exp...

If you know Walt, Vic, the Ferg and Henry, you’re probably a fan of Craig Johnson, the author who wrote the Walt Longmire series. Johnson was on a loop across the western United States to visit small independent bookstores and libraries and to promote his newest book, “Dry Bones,” ...

For 75 years the Mission Mountain NRA Rodeo has been a part of summer on Flathead Lake, and it didn’t disappoint as it returned to the Polson Fairgrounds Friday and Saturday, June 26-27. On Saturday night before the rodeo, the community, friends and family of Aunika Corrigan honored her by wearing b...

PABLO — Stones as big as Volkswagen buses hunkered in the rock yard at Cold Springs Granite Company, according to Corwin “Corky” Clairmont, nationally-renowned artist and art instructor at Salish Kootenai College. Clairmont chose a black granite “bus” with some flecks o...

When the dust settled at the Montana High School Finals Rodeo June 14 in Kalispell, two Mission Valley cowboys rode away with scores among the top four for the season in steer wrestling, team roping and bull riding. St. Ignatius’ Will Powell and Polson’s Bridger Fitzpatrick are both headed to the...

The Sanders County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a fatal shooting that took place on Little Bitterroot Road near Sloan Bridge at approximately 9 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24. “No names have been released,” Rummel said. “I want to talk to the family first, but it r...