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Governor calls for meaningful property tax relief

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News from the office of Governor Gianforte

HELENA —  During a press conference at the State Capitol, Governor Greg Gianforte today called for meaningful property tax relief for Montana homeowners.

“As you all know, my top priority this session is reducing the burden of rising property taxes on Montana homeowners and small businesses,” Gov. Gianforte said. “We must deliver meaningful relief for Montanans who live and work here. They’re counting on us to get this done this year, and we should.”

As proposed in his Path to Security and Prosperity, the governor advocated for the homestead rate cut which is projected to lower property taxes for Montana homeowners by 15% and small businesses by 18%. 

The recommendation is a result of the governor’s bipartisan Property Tax Task Force and, according to estimates, will directly reduce property taxes for more than 215,000 primary residences, more than 32,000 small businesses, and provide indirect relief for over 130,000 renters.

Last week, the House Tax Committee approved the homestead rate cut with bipartisan support and the bill is scheduled to be read for a second time on the floor of the Montana House of Representatives today.

Thanking legislators for sharing his priority to deliver property tax relief for Montana homeowners, the governor said, “I want to thank legislators in the House for prioritizing commonsense property tax relief and for moving it as quickly as possible.”

In addition to his proposals for property tax relief, Gov. Gianforte reiterated his priorities to deliver the largest income tax cut in state history and lower the rate most Montanans pay from 5.9% to 4.9%. The governor’s income tax cut proposal also boosts the earned income tax credit to benefit lower- and middle-income Montanans.

“Our proposed tax cut package provides permanent tax relief to Montanans at every income level – to workers, small business owners, and everyone who calls this place home. And we should keep the long-term horizon in focus because ultimately, my goal is to enact a permanently low, flat income tax,” the governor added.

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