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Articles with the Tag: government

In court, media outlets argue for access to legislative records In court, media outlets argue for access to legislative records

MONTANA — Concealing the back-channel communications between lawmakers, lobbyists and stakeholders when drafting bills amounts to the Legislature violating the state’s Constitution, a coalition of media outlets including Montana Free Press argued in court Friday.  Appearing before Distric...

Volunteer positions available on county boards Volunteer positions available on county boards

News from the Lake County Planning Department LAKE COUNTY — Lake County currently seeks volunteers for the following boards.  Positions begin on January 1.  Attendance may be in person or via Zoom for most meetings. If you have questions about the area of jurisdiction for a particular bo...

Daines, Smith introduce bill to combat drug trafficking in tribal communities

News from the office of Senator Daines U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) recently announced the bipartisan “Protection for Reservation Occupants Against Trafficking and Evasive Communications Today (PROTECT) Act” to combat drug trafficki...

Board of Housing allocates over $37M in housing tax credits

News from the Montana Department of Commerce HELENA – The Montana Department of Commerce announced today more than $37 million in federal housing tax credits will be allocated to six developments to build new affordable homes in five Montana communities. “The Montana Board of Housing has ...

$20M available for wildfire response

News from the Dept. of the Interior WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior recently announced that over $20 million is available through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to strengthen local governments’ wildfire response by converting vehicles to wildland fire engines...

Public comment sought on associate water judge applicants

News from Rob Bird, Human Resource Director, MT Judicial Branch The following candidates have applied for the position of associate water judge for the Montana Water Court: Nathanial Block, William C. Fanning, Julia Nordlund, Bina Peters, Anna Stradley, Madeleine Weisz. Public comment is now open on ...

Administration releases 10-year national plan on native language revitalization

News from the Dept. of the Interior WASHINGTON  —  At the 2024 White House Tribal Nations Summit, Departments of the Interior, Education and Health and Human Services (HHS) released a 10-year National Plan on Native Language Revitalization, which outlines a comprehensive, government-wide...

State racks up nearly $1 million bill for tribal law enforcement in Lake County

Officials in Lake County have billed the state of Montana nearly $1 million this year to help cover the cost of law enforcement on the Flathead Indian Reservation, something local officials say is the state’s responsibility under a decades-old arrangement. So far, the state has not squared up its gr...

Volunteerism-based scholarship offers $1,250

News from Governor’s Office of Community Service HELENA - The Governor’s Office of Community Service, Reach Higher Montana, and Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Youth Serve Montana Scholarship. This year...

Apprenticeship opportunities increase throughout state

News from the office of Governor Gianforte HELENA — As part of National Apprenticeship Week, Governor Greg Gianforte and the Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) recently released a new report showing a record-breaking increase in apprenticeship opportunities across Montana.  “A ...


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