MT Historical Society offers free Capitol tours
Free, one-hour tours meet on the first floor of the Montana Capitol at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and operate Monday through Friday during the 69th Legislative Session
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News from Montana Historical Society
HELENA - While everyone is welcome to explore the Capitol and observe the legislature on their own, Bramble explains that that MTHS tour guides provide insight on the history, art and architecture of the building, while offering an introduction to the political process.
“Our tour participants have a front row seat to history being made,” she says.
MTHS guides move their groups expertly through the bustle of the Capitol, which can be intimidating on your own. The guides work with capitol staff and navigate tour participants through the highpoints of building and the 90-day legislative session.
“If you’ve never been to the Capitol during the legislative session, our Capitol tours are the perfect introduction,” Bramble explains.
The daily tours are provided on first come, first-served basis and open to the public and do not require a reservation, but they are limited to twenty people.
For people looking for tours or school field trips outside of the daily hours, the Montana Historical Society (MTHS) has staff available to offer tours on request.
Participants must call or email at least one week ahead of time to arrange the tour. Tour slots are awarded on a first-reserved, first-served basis and will be scheduled around staff availability.
Learn More
For more details about MTHS Capitol Tours call/email Darby Bramble at 406-444-2412 or or visit the Montana Historical Society website at: