Help needed for feral cat population
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To cat lovers – there’s one in-town colony with 21 kittens. All I can do is feed them to stop starvation. Just a few years ago Life Savers helped to keep the Polson feral cat population somewhat in check. I’m still feeding some survivors from that time. At that time the trap-neuter-release program was in effect under the direction of Life Savers with extra help from Linda Crawford. Is the Life Savers organization still around? Since Linda Crawford’s death last May, I’m not aware of anything humanely being done to address this feral cat population. These little guys didn’t ask for this – they are just being cats. I feed one group of young ones. The adults go off to hunt and try to find food. Being nocturnal and rightfully frightened of people, most people don’t see them or even know they exist. Eventually these innocent ones will be subject to a massacre, unless a trap-neuter-release program is available.
Perhaps the local vets will respond with some kind of neutering discount. Maybe the animal shelter can assist. Trapping has been offered. Arrangements will be made for as much funding as possible contingent on a neutering discount. Neutering is expensive and some cat owners cannot afford it. Their cats wander away or are turned out. Maybe that’s how the feral cat population started. If one is unaware of a problem, one can be considered innocent. If one is aware of a problem, could help and does nothing then guilt should be a passenger.
Joan St. John