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Tourism grant program available

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News from the Montana Commerce Department 

MONTANA — Montana Commerce Department Director Tara Rice announced the Department will begin accepting applications for the Tourism Grant Program until Nov. 30 for the 2021 grant cycle.

The Tourism Grant Program funds projects that strengthen Montana’s economy through the development and enhancement of Montana’s tourism and recreation industry. A total of $750,000 is available for projects that develop and enhance tourism and recreation products that have the potential to increase non-resident visitation.

Projects funded in the 2021 cycle must be completed by June of 2022. Entities in Montana that are eligible to apply for a Tourism Grant include registered non-profit 501(c) organizations and city, tribal or county governments.

Funds will be awarded to tourism and recreation projects that fall within the categories of:

Arts/Culture /Heritage Preservation: projects that preserve, protect, or restore Montana’s arts, culture, and/or heritage treasures;

Visitor Facility Upgrades/Construction: projects that will enhance the non-resident visitor experience and increase expenditures;

Niche Product Development: projects of interest to non-resident visitors as identified in Montana Destination Brand Research Study.

Learn more and apply for a Tourism Grant at MARKETMT.COM/TOURISMGRANTS.


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