Articles with the Tag: farming

News from the office of Senator Daines HELENA — On Dec. 13, Senator Daines was presented with the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)’s “Friend of Farm Bureau” award recognizing his efforts to support Montana agriculture. “I’m grateful to receive the Friend of Far...
News from USDA BOZEMAN — The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Montana is accepting applications for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) Agricultural Land Easement (ALE) enrollment option and the Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE). While NRCS accepts easement appl...
News from USDA BOZEMAN — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it will invest $15 million this year for the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) Classic program. Through CIG, grantees work to address our nation’s water quality, water quantity, air quality, soil health and wildl...
News from USDA BOZEMAN — The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Montana is accepting applications for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). To be considered for fundi...
News from AERO MONTANA — Two free on-farm raw milk production trainings for Montana farmers and value-added producers to learn methods for low-risk production of raw milk for direct-to-consumer sales under new law. Raw Milk Training best practices for safe production will be held: &nb...

Statement from Frank Szollosi of Montana Wildlife Federation MONTANA — Today we are thrilled with news of a legislative breakthrough that will boost Montana wildlife, fisheries, forests and communities and reduce our carbon emissions 40% by 2030. And by lowering energy costs, we reduce inflation. ...

News and Photos from Lake Farms, Inc. RONAN — Over 350 fourth graders from across the county spent a day at the Senecal Ranch recently for Mission Valley Ag Days. The Northwest Counties Farm Bureau and the Western Montana Stockgrowers both teamed up with the Lake County Conservation District, MSU ...
News from the office of Senator Tester U.S. SENATE — We made a lot of progress last week on our fight against consolidation in the agriculture industry. Consolidation in any industry is never good, and the ag industry is no exception. It means capitalism isn’t working, and in the meatpack...
News from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service BOZEMAN — The Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montana Association of Land Trusts, and the Heart of the Rockies Initiative have partnered to produce a 20-page report analyzing the economic impact of conservation easements in Montana. The...
News from MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks HELENA — As grizzly bears emerge from their dens across the state the potential for conflicts with farmers, ranchers and other producers is increasing. In the past few years, bears have been spotted in areas where they haven’t been for more than a cent...