Articles with the Tag: farming
By Jim Rose, Montana State FFA Advisor INDIANAPOLIS — Montana FFA members recently returned from participation at the National FFA Convention and Expo held in Indianapolis, IN. Approximately 600 Montana students attended the convention where they engaged in competitions, leadership workshops, tour...
News from the office of Senator Tester BIG SANDY — As a part of his continued work to ensure Montana communities are prepared for extreme flooding and drought, U.S. Senator Jon Tester today secured $26,000,000 in funding from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration to support soil moisture...
News from the office of Senator Tester U.S. Senate —U.S. Senator Jon Tester announced today he secured more than $14 million to strengthen Montana’s energy grid against wildfires and extreme weather events. This funding comes from the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants program w...

ST. IGNATIUS — Live Oak Belgians, Draft Horse Services of Lake County is preparing to head to the prestigious invitational draft horse show in California, the Draft Horse Classic, Sept. 21-24. This will be Live Oak Belgians 23rd and last year to attend this show. This show is exclusively fo...

News from Montana Farmers Union MONTANA — A new tractor repair MOU hasn’t changed the fact that farmers and ranchers do not have the ability to fully repair their own equipment. The most recent MOU was announced by American Farm Bureau Federation and CNH Industrial and comes on the heels ...

LAKE COUNTY — In the wake of the national egg shortage, which has seen national providers across the board lose flocks of chickens to avian influenza, local egg providers have been rising to the challenge to meet increasing egg demand. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Unite...
News from USDA WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is making available up to $7.5 million for grants through its Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (OUAIP). The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production proj...
Montana farmers and ranchers face numerous challenges. Some of these challenges such as weather, commodity prices, and bank loan rates are beyond a single farmer’s ability to manage. On the other hand, there are challenges faced by Montana producers, which one could reasonably consider as manageable ye...
News from USDA WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed a simplified direct loan application to provide improved customer experience for producers applying for loans from the Farm Service Agency (FSA). The simplified direct loan application enables producers to complete...
News from USDA BOZEMAN — The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications for the Community Agriculture Initiative. This initiative supports the conservation efforts of Montana’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners from small acreage to large. NRCS accept...