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Articles with the Tag: USDA

Briefs for June 29, 2022

Army 2nd Infantry to hold 99th annual reunion News from the Second Infantry Division Association KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — The Second Infantry Division Association will be holding its annual national reunion in Kansas City, Missouri from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, 2022. We would like to let veterans o...

USDA seeks applications

News from USDA  BOZEMAN — The U.S. Department of Agriculture is making $43.1 million available this year for two national-level funding competitions that support community agriculture.  This is the third year that USDA is offering these national funding opportunities through the USDA ...

USDA to be flexibile

News from USDA MONTANA — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will allow Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) participants who are in the final year of their CRP contract to request voluntary termination of their CRP contract following the end of the primary nesting season for fiscal year 2022....

Montana streamflow forecasts increase after April precipitation adds to snowpack Montana streamflow forecasts increase after April precipitation adds to snowpack

News from USDA BOZEMAN — After nearly three months of waiting for typical winter weather, cool temperatures and precipitation finally arrived during April in Montana. Prior to April, northwest Montana had been the largest recipient of precipitation this water year. “Weather patterns shifted ...

New report shows economic value of Farm Bill Conservation Easements

News from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service BOZEMAN — The Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montana Association of Land Trusts, and the Heart of the Rockies Initiative have partnered to produce a 20-page report analyzing the economic impact of conservation easements in Montana. The...

$14M+ secured to support county services, rural schools in MT

News from the office of Senator Tester U.S. Senate — U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) announced recently more than $14 million to support Montana rural schools, roads, and critical infrastructure through the Secure Rural Schools Program (SRS), which will be funded through Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) ...

USDA accepts new, modified proposals for Wildlife Enhancement Program

News from USDA WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture is welcoming new and modified proposals from conservation partners for the State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) initiative, a part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) focused on effectively managing wildlife habitat. USDA&...

USDA extends deadline for Hog Program

WASHINGTON — Hog producers who sold hogs through a spot market sale during the COVID-19 pandemic now have until April 15, 2022, to submit their applications for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program (SMHPP). SMHPP, which is part of USDA’s Pandemic Assi...

USDA to invest $1 billion in climate smart commodities

News from USDA BOZEMAN — The U.S. Department of Agriculture is delivering on its promise to expand markets by investing $1 billion in partnerships to support America’s climate-smart farmers, ranchers and forest landowners. The new Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities opportunity will f...

Briefs for Feb. 23, 2022

Scholarships available to PHS students News from the PSEF POLSON — Twenty-six different scholarships for Polson students will become available this spring. These scholarships, 13 for high school seniors and 13 for Polson High School graduates, are provided by Polson Scholarship and Education ...

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