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Articles with the Tag: St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius Seniors for Nov. 13, 2024

ST. IGNATIUS —  Remember to check your Medicare plans before Dec. 1. If you need help, call 406-883-7284. The St. Ignatius Senior Center will have a table at the 4-H Bazaar on Dec. 14 at the St. Ignatius High School. We will have baked goods and crafts. Donations for the bake sale are welcome. ...

Salvation Army Kettle Campaign needs volunteer bell ringers

News Dana Grant,  SafeHarbor This holiday season, families across the country are facing many challenges including food insecurity and homelessness. You can help. Bring peace to someone by being a volunteer bellringer for The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign. Bell ringing locations inc...

St. Ignatius seniors for Nov. 6, 2024

ST. IGNATIUS — Remember to check your Medicare plans before Dec. 1. If you need help call 406-883-7284. Bingo will be played on Saturday, Nov. 9, at 2 p.m. Come enjoy the fun and goodies. A turkey will be added to the blackout prize. We are looking for a Site Manager to work 8 to 12 hours a week....

St. Ignatius Seniors for Oct. 30, 2024

ST. IGNATIUS — Remember to vote on Nov. 5. Bingo will be played on Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. at the St. Ignatius Senior Center. Come enjoy the fun and goodies. We will hold the AARP Safe Driving Course on Nov. 7 at 1 p.m. Some insurance companies will give you a discount if you take the course. If interes...

St. Ignatius seniors for Oct. 23 2024

ST. IGNATIUS — Remember to Vote on Nov. 5. Bingo was held last Saturday and fun was had. The lucky blackout winner took home $100. Our next bingo event will be on Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. We will have the AARP Safe Driving Course on Nov. 7 at 1 p.m.  Some insurance companies will give you a discount...

Pumpkins, barrel train rides, baked goods, more offered at Monter’s pumpkin patch Pumpkins, barrel train rides, baked goods, more offered at Monter’s pumpkin patch

­­­ST. IGNATIUS — Mission Valley residents can experience a variety of outdoor, autumn activities at Zachary Monter’s you-pick pumpkin patch. Located near St. Ignatius right off US Hwy. 93 to the west, the Monters offer over 30 varieties of pumpkins to choose from including medium-siz...

St Ignatius seniors for the Valley Journal

ST. IGNATIUS -  A big thank you to all that came and bought things at our yard and bake sale and to all that donated items for us to sell. We appreciate out community members. We have a “Nurse on the Go” that is coming to out center to help with toenails. She charges $25 a session and it ...

Wetland mitigation efforts to begin

News from the Montana Department of Transportation ST. IGNATIUS — The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), along with construction partner Rehbein Enterprises, Inc., will begin wetland mitigation work on MDT-owned property located south of St. Ignatius in Lake County this fall. The 60-acre ...

St. Ignatius seniors for Oct. 9, 2024

ST. IGNATIUS —Thank you to all that came and bought items at our yard and bake sale. On Oct. 12 bingo will be played at our St. Ignatius Senior Center at 2 p.m. with a special blackout prize. We are looking for a Site Manager to work 8 to 12 hours a week. If interested, call and leave a message.&...

Valley Views

U.S. women now live in a country where they’ve been relegated to second-class citizens courtesy of the Supreme Court, whose conservative majority ignored 50 years of precedent and overturned the constitutional right to abortion nationwide. Abortion policy now falls to individual states, and now nearly ...

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