Articles with the Tag: Seniors
ST. IGNATIUS — If Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower then what did the teachers come over on? - The Scholar Ship. The Monday quilters are at the center every Monday from 10:30-4:30 p.m. You have my apologizes for forgetting you. The Ukulele group will meet on the first and third Monday evenings at ...
RONAN — Well, I hope that this makes it into the papers. I forgot to do it on Friday. One of the hazards of getting old, I guess. Glad the election and all those awful advertisements are over? Well, as my husband reminded me, now the Christmas and weight loss adds begin. The center’s pork roas...
POLSON — I was up all night trying to figure out where the sun went; then it dawned on me. There will be a fraud prevention seminar here on Dec. 14 at noon. Learn how not to become a victim. The veterans’ representative will be here on Dec. 15 from 10 a.m.-noon. Commodities will be packaged...
ARLEE — Please be sure to vote in the upcoming election Nov. 8. Unless you vote, how can you complain about the outcomes of the election? Just drive, bike, or hike, but get to the polls. You’ll feel better afterwards. Millions of people all over the world would give their eye teeth to have such f...
RONAN — Are you tired of all the political adds yet? Good thing that there are only a few days left, as our mute button is just about worn out. Don’t forget to vote next Tuesday. It is a privilege that many are denied. Thanks to our cooks for such a great birthday dinner, and to the musicians ...
It only rained twice last week; the first time for three days and the second time for four. How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it. Stop in for a visit, have a cup of tea or coffee and see how we brew ours. Bailey Insurance will be here on Nov. 4 at 1 p.m. and the veterans’ representative will be...
ST. IGNATIUS — With all this moisture I’m surprised we do not have web feet, so be kind to your fine feathered friends for a duck may be somebody’s mother. The center is open every Tuesday and Friday for lunch at noon, and on the first and third Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. for dinner...
POLSON — The leaves on the ground are not dead; witness how they spin and twirl in the wind, dancing the autumn ballet. The wooly worms have extra wool; mountain ash trees are loaded with berries. You had best be-knowing where your snow shovel is. The monthly board meeting will be on Thursday, Oct. 13,...
RONAN — Brrr it’s cold out there. Time to turn up the heat and get out the warm clothes. It is also time to make any changes in your Medicare insurance programs. As you have probably already heard, NewWest is leaving Montana and so their costumers have to find new carriers. Baily Insurance from K...
ST. IGNATIUS — Come and check out our rummage sale Oct. 11- 14 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and the bake sale on Friday, Oct. 14. There will be lots of treasures here and you could maybe join us for lunch. We’re open every Tuesday and Friday from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Lunch is served at noon. The center is ope...