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Articles with the Tag: Ronan

Ronan man completes ultra-marathon Ronan man completes ultra-marathon

RONAN — The Crazy Mountain Ultra Marathon is the only 100-mile race in Montana and is reputed among runners as one of the most grueling in the country. Fifty-six runners were unable to finish, but of the 73 that did, Mike Adams of Ronan was one.  The Crazy Mountain Ultra starts in Wilsall and e...

Community steps up for taproom manager Community steps up for taproom manager

RONAN — The two cooperatives in Ronan are coming together this month to help support Co-op Brewery Taproom Manager Eric Brunet as he faces the navigates changes to his mobility.   Brunet suffers from a rare genetic neurological disorder called Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA), or Episodic Ataxia, w...

Ronan celebrates community during annual Pioneer Days events Ronan celebrates community during annual Pioneer Days events

RONAN — Ronan took center stage in the Mission Valley last weekend with annual Pioneer Days events held Aug. 5-7, with the theme “Born in the USA.” The excitement kicked off Friday morning with a kid’s fishing derby in Ronan City Park and a Golf Scramble afterwards. The main event,...

St. Luke Resident Council gives to local agencies St. Luke Resident Council gives to local agencies

RONAN — Two local non-profit organizations were the recent beneficiaries of donations from the St. Luke Extended Care Resident Council in Ronan. Verna Drowatzky, President of the Council, presented a check for $500 to Auggie Peterson with the Ronan Senior Center Meals on Wheels Program and another chec...

Ronan seniors for Aug. 10, 2022

 RONAN — We hope everyone was able enjoy the Lake County Fair and Pioneer Days in spite of the hot days. Just wait, in a few months it will 60 degrees colder.Congratulations to our Donna Daniels for being elected Senior of the Year. If you get a chance, stop at the Mission Valley Senior Center and...

Ronan explores remote worker possibilities Ronan explores remote worker possibilities

RONAN — Mission West Community Development Partners, along with remote work program Trepademics, has conducted a feasibility study for creating a coworking space and more remote worker opportunities in the tri-county area.  Zen Parry of Trepademics has worked remotely all over the world for aro...

Car show starts new tradition at Co-op Brewery Car show starts new tradition at Co-op Brewery

RONAN — On July 21, Ronan’s Cooperative Brewery played host to the new Beers and Gears car show featuring the local car club Mission Valley Cruisers.  Head Brewer Jim Myers had previously met the Cruisers and reached out to them again when it came time for another community street closure...

4-H skills on display at annual Lake County Fair 4-H skills on display at annual Lake County Fair

RONAN — The Lake County Fair kicked off July 24-31 with animals of every size and smiles in every direction. Thirteen-year-old Tobias Cantlon, standing with his chicken Sunny, explained how the birds are judged based on breed. The judges look at the number of feathers the chicken has, if their claws...

Safe Harbor Summer Social planned

RONAN — It’s time for a Garden Party! SAFE Harbor will be hosting a gathering in the Ronan City Park on Aug. 18 from 3 to 6 p.m. For nearly 30 years, SAFE Harbor has been the primary victim services agency for the Flathead Reservation and Lake County. All services are free and open to everyone in...

Professional outfitter speaks at Co-op Brewery Professional outfitter speaks at Co-op Brewery

RONAN — A special speaker is among this month’s events at the Ronan Cooperative Brewery. On July 21 expert outfitter Smoke Elser paid a visit to share his experiences in the Montana wilderness.  Originally from Ohio, Elser moved to Montana in 1955 to work for the Forest Service in Helena,...

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