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Articles with the Tag: Ronan

Irvine committed for criminal mischief

POLSON — A Ronan man was committed at District Court in Polson on Oct. 12 to the Montana Department of Corrections for a period of four years, with all that time suspended, on one count of assault on a peace officer. That man, Clint Headdress Irvine, 30, was also committed to the DOC for six years with...

Memorial tournament celebrates athletes Memorial tournament celebrates athletes

RONAN — On Friday, Oct. 14, athletes from the five valleys area gathered to honor the life of Alex Braun at the second Alex Braun Memorial Basketball Tournament put on by the Special Olympics of Montana. Alex Braun was a young Missoula athlete who passed away in the summer of 2021. Though tennis was...

SOCKtober needs socks

POLSON — This is the fifth year for Socktober, and we are looking forward to adding more socks to our four-year total of 26,990 pairs of socks in our Montana, Idaho and Wyoming offices. Socks for Lake County will go to Casa and The Bunkhouse of Ronan.

Kids soccer touches multiple generations Kids soccer touches multiple generations

ST. IGNATIUS — The Mission Valley Soccer Association is well underway this year with their fourth game coming up this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the St. Ignatius practice field.  Started about 20 years ago, the association includes kids in kindergarten through sixth grade from Ronan, Pa...

Mission Valley Children’s Choir to begin again

News from the Mission Valley Children’s Choir RONAN — The Mission Valley Children’s Choir will begin its seventh year on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at the Faith Lutheran Church, 406 5th Ave. SW in Ronan. Refreshments and “together time” will begin at 3:40 p.m., and rehearsals will be...

Montana’s first cooperative brewery celebrates its second year Montana’s first cooperative brewery celebrates its second year

RONAN — On Friday, Sept. 23, the Ronan Cooperative Brewery celebrated its second anniversary since the community came together to open its doors in the midst of a pandemic.  The street closure celebration was combined with this year’s Oktoberfest and head brewer Jim Myers brought out some...

Ronan local files as write-in candidate for county commissioner Ronan local files as write-in candidate for county commissioner

LAKE COUNTY — Paul Guenzler, a Ronan-area cattle rancher and chairman of the Flathead Irrigation District, filed Sept. 2 as a write-in candidate for District 2 county commissioner, just four days shy of the filing deadline of Sept. 6. Although his name won’t appear on the November ballot, he&rsqu...

Fire managers lift fire restrictions

News from the CSKT Division of Fire RONAN — Effective immediately, fire managers across the Flathead Indian Reservation have rescinded Stage I Fire Restrictions. Widespread precipitation has lowered the fire danger to Moderate and has provided much needed relief for firefighters across western Mon...

Autumn begins with the Ronan Harvest Festival Autumn begins with the Ronan Harvest Festival

RONAN — The 12th annual Harvest Festival was celebrated in Ronan last Saturday, Sept. 17 to mark the official start to autumn. While the last 12 years have seen a lot of different events come and go, from chili cook offs to giant pumpkin contests, this year saw the two local cooperatives join in the...

Mission Valley Children’s Choir to begin again

RONAN — The Mission Valley Children’s Choir will begin its seventh year on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at the Faith Lutheran Church, 406 5th Ave. SW in Ronan. Refreshments and “together time” will begin at 3:40 p.m., and rehearsals will be held from 4 – 5 p.m. every Tuesday. The choir is op...

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