Articles with the Tag: Polson city commission
POLSON — Impact fees assessed on building new houses or businesses in the city to pay their part for water, sewer, fire, parks and administrative work, were on the Polson City Commission’s agenda on June 15 again after being tabled at the last two commission meetings. The impact fees have been...
POLSON — With a voice roughened by emotion, Mayor Heather Knutson began the June 1 Polson City Commission meeting with a request that commissioners and attendees join her in a moment of silence honoring Commissioner Dan Morrison, who passed away last week. Then the commission dived into the ag...

POLSON — Impact fees for new construction came under scrutiny from the Polson City Commissioners at their May 18 commission meeting. Impact fees are what people who are building new houses or businesses in the city are assessed to pay their part for water, sewer, fire, parks and administrative work. Po...
POLSON — Polson City Commissioners and Mayor Heather Knudson approved $473,000 in water system bonds for the downtown water loop, “the last piece of the funding package,” according to Cindy Dooley, Polson finance officer. The project is replacing and reconnecting water pipes in the area nor...
POLSON — Polson skateboarders filled the back couple of rows in city hall at the April 20 city commission meeting to support their plan to expand Polson’s skatepark. The skateboarders want to extend the borders of the current skatepark 25 feet out on the north, south and west sides, and 22 fee...
POLSON — Unrest in the Polson Fire Department and the Polson Rural Fire District led membership to draft a letter of no confidence in Polson Fire Chief John Fairchild and submit it to Polson City Manager Mark Shrives. Reasons stated in the letter were safety concerns, leadership issues, communicatio...

POLSON — People expecting heated words and clashing opinions at the Feb. 3 Polson City Commission workshop meeting were instead treated to a civil presentation about how the water compact could impact the City of Polson’s municipal wells. Melissa Hornbein, Reserved Water Rights Compact Commiss...
POLSON — Polson commissioners discussed the sale of the city’s all beverage liquor license at the Jan. 21 meeting. They unanimously voted at the Sept. 15, 2014 meeting to declare the all-beverage license as surplus, according to Polson Finance Officer Cindy Dooley. That’s the...
News from the City of Polson POLSON — A City Commission Work Session will be held in Commission Chambers at 106 1st Street East on Feb. 3 at 6 p.m. to receive information about the Proposed Water Rights Compact. Representatives from the State of Montana, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tri...
POLSON — Polson Police K-9 Officer Brody received his badge at the Jan. 8 Polson City Commissioners meeting. Officer Juan Maso works with Brody, a 2-year-old yellow Labrador retriever. Brody has the ability to search vehicles, bags, lockers, classrooms, large rooms, items at the United States ...