Articles with the Tag: Polson city commission

POLSON — Commissioners discussed the golf course’s liquor license and a possible sale of that license at their Dec. 15 meeting. If the commission decides to sell, commissioner Stephen Turner said he would like to see a starting price, a base price. “My big concern is that...
POLSON — Polson City Commissioners chose a sequenced batch reactor, priced at $14.3 million, instead of a membrane bioreactor with a price tag of $18.3 million for Polson’s new wastewater treatment system at their Nov. 17 meeting. That means $14.83 less on each water bill for Polson consumers. ...
POLSON — Polson City Engineer Shari Johnson presented information on the wastewater management system at the Polson City Commissioner’s Nov. 3 meeting. In May commissioners selected a membrane type of treatment system, according to their informational PowerPoint presentation. In a phone ...
POLSON — With a short agenda, Polson City Commissioners whipped through their Oct. 20 meeting, approving a 10-year permit for limited encroachment upon and use of Polson’s right of way for property located at 107 First Ave. E. Polson City Manager Mark Shrives said the situation came up when a ...

POLSON — Due to a bid specification that was not adhered to, Polson City Commissioners voted unanimously to rebid the downtown water looping project at their Oct. 6 commission meeting. At their previous meeting on Sept. 15, commissioners tabled the decision on the final award of the bid. The top bid...

POLSON — The Polson City Commissioners passed both an ordinance to amend the City’s assessment of water charges and approved a resolution to restructure the water system rates and provide for a change in the water and sewer rates at their Sept. 3 meeting. The utility bill for the average...

Whether it was a plea from Mayor Heather Knutson for area residents to be more involved in their local government or letters sent on Aug. 8 to people on the west shore regarding zoning next to U.S. Highway 93, the Aug. 26 city/county planning board meeting was well attended. Approximately 35 people...
POLSON — Polson City Commissioners recently approved the final plat of Ridgewater Commercial Subdivision, phase 4. After public comment — some regarding no public hearings or participation in the different phases of the Cougar Ridge subdivision, the legality of the subdivision, and whether the...
POLSON — On July 28 Polson City Commissioners passed a new resolution of intent to restructure and change rates for users of the City of Polson municipal water and sewer systems. The resolution removed section 24, regarding charging snowbirds water and sewer fees, which was a hotly argued poin...
POLSON — Monday, Aug. 11, 2014 by 5 p.m. is the last day to file for a candidacy on the City of Polson Local Government Review Study Commission. At the June 2, 2014 primary election the electors voted to conduct a review of the City’s current form of government. This measure is automatically plac...