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Articles with the Tag: Medicaid

Hutterite-commissioned study says communities’ add 2,200 jobs to state economy

MONTANA  — An economic study commissioned by a law firm representing Montana’s Lehrerleut Hutterite communities has concluded that the religious group’s collective business operations contribute $365.3 million annually to the Montana economy. The study, billed as the first of its ki...

Montana’s Medicaid expansion renewal bill heads to governor

HELENA — After a turbulent ride through the Montana Legislature, a bill extending Montana’s Medicaid expansion program cleared its final legislative hurdle. House Bill 658, carried by Rep. Ed Buttrey, R-Great Falls, revises the state’s Medicaid program considerably. While the bill’...

Montana’s Medicaid expansion renewal bill heads to governor

HELENA — After a turbulent ride through the Montana Legislature, a bill extending Montana’s Medicaid expansion program cleared its final legislative hurdle. House Bill 658, carried by Rep. Ed Buttrey, R-Great Falls, revises the state’s Medicaid program considerably. While the bill’...


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