Articles with the Tag: Lake County Fair
It is not proper etiquette to bring your goat to the dinner table, but when you are sitting at the fair chowing down on delicious barbecue there might be an exemption for that rule. Snowflake, a small goat showed by young Bryanne Zempel, was so famished after strutting his stuff at the small fry sto...
RONAN — Rows and rows of quilts filled K. William Harvey Elementary School’s gym with color and pattern for the Mission Mountain Quilt Guild show July 31-Aug. 2. The show’s theme was “A Quilter’s Heart.” Featured quilter was Pat Anderson, a MMQG member who passed awa...
RONAN — Checking back fat on a market steer or quizzing a 4-H kid about the beef industry might not sound fun, but Virginia Knerr enjoys the activities. Knerr, the petite, redheaded Montana State University Extension Agent in Townsend, drove to Ronan and judged showmanship and market beef, hogs, lam...
RONAN — Big Red stood in the wash rack, enjoying the cool water of a late afternoon bath. Tyler Delaney washed the good-natured steer, who didn’t know or probably care that he was 4-H grand champion market beef. “He’s a really good steer,” Delaney said, soaping the s...
RONAN — “He was kind of rowdy in the steer show,” Megan Evelo said. Megan, 10, was talking about Harley, her 4-H market beef project. A mini Hereford steer, Harley and Megan have been buds since November of 2013. Megan is 10, and she’s barely taller than Harley, her ...
RONAN – The beef cattle, sheep, goats and swine formed long, twisting lines that took hours to judge last week at the Lake County fair, but tucked into the schedule were some events that are holding on to existence with only a few competitors. Sierra Hutchin of Charlo competed with her diary c...
RONAN – A fun packed Pioneer Days weekend awaits community members, beginning Thursday. The annual celebration of Ronan promises to be a great time, with plenty of sports, rodeo, dances, foods, parades, and buffalo rides. “It’s one weekend that Ronan tries to all get toget...
RONAN – Expanded grounds and a bigger slate of events will greet people who come out for some good old-fashioned fun at the Lake County Fair and Pioneer Days this week. Fair Manager Tim Marchant and his staff have been hard at work for the past month setting up the Lake County Fairgrounds, and...
Wednesday, July 30 8:30 a.m. Judges Orientation 9 a.m. – noon Perishable Open Class Check-in 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Swine Showmanship and Judging 3:30 p.m. Cat Show 5 p.m. Open Class Judges Orientation 5 p.m. Beef Showmanship 5 p.m. Lions Club Games 5 p.m. – 8 p.m...
RONAN — It’s a Farm Fiesta at the 2014 Lake County Fair in Ronan. Join us Monday, July 28, to Saturday, August 2, for: livestock and agricultural displays; food; fun; musical entertainment; and family-oriented activities. There is no gate admission and no cover charge for any event. Featured musi...