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Articles with the Tag: Helena

Irrigation districts eye lobbyists for upcoming legislative session

ST. IGNATIUS – Attorney Bruce Fredrickson asked the Flathead Joint Board of Control on Nov. 12 to consider hiring a 2015 legislative lobbyist from the eastern part of the state who is currently unfamiliar with ongoing irrigation water disputes on the Flathead Reservation.  The lobbyist will foc...

Montana State Parks recruiting new AmeriCorps members

HELENA – Montana State Parks is now recruiting new AmeriCorps members for 2015. These service terms are full-time, 44 week, 1,700 hour positions serving at state parks and regional offices across Montana.  Montana State Park AmeriCorps members create educational programs, highlight park activit...

CenturyLink’s service quality to be investigated

News from the Public Service Commission HELENA — The Public Service Commission invites CenturyLink customers who are experiencing chronic problems with their landline telephone service to tell the PSC about them by submitting comments in a PSC investigation proceeding. After an informal investiga...

Energy Share help available

HELENA — Energy Share of Montana is accepting applications for emergency heating assistance at Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana in Kalispell, 214 Main Street, 758-5433 or 1-800-344-5979. Energy Share is a private nonprofit organization that was established in 1983 to help Montanans who...

Proponents, opponents fight to bitter end over water compact recommendations

HELENA – After a half-year and hundreds of hours spent analyzing legal and technical aspects of the proposed Confederated Salish and Kootenai Water Compact, proponents and opponents of the agreement devoted much of Oct. 29 and Oct. 30 airing the same talking points that have dominated the conversation ...

HGTV series to film in Montana

HELENA – The Montana Department of Commerce’s Montana Film Office recently announced that the latest HGTV series, “Living Big Sky,” will film a dozen 30-minute episodes throughout the state of Montana in the coming year. Produced by Orion Entertainment out of Denver, Colorado, the ...

Montana parks board approves various user fee increases

News from Montana State Parks and Recreation Board HELENA – Montana State Parks announced Oct. 31 that the 2014 Biennial Fee Rule, an assemblage of user fees and associated rules for the Montana State Park system, was adopted by the Montana State Parks and Recreation Board on Oct. 15. The new fee...

Tester calls for investigation into election mailer

HELENA — With less than one week before the November election, Senator Jon Tester is calling for an investigation into a recent election mailer that was sent to 100,000 Montana voters.  The mailer – sent by researchers at Stanford University and Dartmouth College – arbitrarily place...

cross country cross country

Harrop, Delaney grab All-State at State run   HELENA – It was a good day for a run as teams from AA-C gathered at the start lines, laced their sneakers, and prepared to race on the season’s final course in hopes of a top ten finish in their class for the title of All-State at the State...

Attorney resigns as irrigator counsel

Helena attorney Jon Metropoulos gave a verbal resignation to Flathead Joint Board of Control on Sept. 30 after a tense exchange with irrigation commissioners about finalizing a document that spelled out the board’s stance on key elements of the proposed Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Water Com...

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