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Articles with the Tag: Dixon

Town celebrates Good Old Days weekend Town celebrates Good Old Days weekend

ST. IGNATIUS – Besides the climbing wall, another new event was at the Good Old Days celebration this year.  A crowd watched as emergency responders from across Lake County gathered together to stage a mock rescue. Mission Valley Ambulance Auxiliary Vice President Jade Michel said emergency res...

Dixon man gets 8-year suspended sentence for threatening emails Dixon man gets 8-year suspended sentence for threatening emails

POLSON – A 54-year-old Dixon man who sent well over 700 threatening and lewd emails to a former girlfriend was given an eight-year suspended sentence last week. Charles Theis of Dixon pleaded guilty to four counts of violating privacy in communications. A stalking charge and 57 privacy in communicat...

Dixon man faces multiple charges Dixon man faces multiple charges

POLSON – A Dixon man faces a stalking charge and three counts of violating privacy in communications after he allegedly sent more than 700 lewd and threatening emails to a woman over the course of 10 months.  Charles Thies, 54, was arrested May 8 and is being held on $100,000 bond. He also face...

MDT proposes resurfacing projects for Highway 200

News from the Montana Department of Transportation DIXON - The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to notify the public and seek comments on proposals to resurface two sections of Highway 200. The first proposal is to resurface about 9.8 miles of Montana Highway 200 west of Dixon. T...

Community pulls together to help school Community pulls together  to help school

DIXON – The third annual Bison Stampede rumbled through town on Saturday to raise money for a re-surfaced basketball court. Colin Elverud, 13, was the first runner to cross the finish line during the morning race with a time of 44:13. He ran the 10K. He also got first place in last year’s race...

30-year-old business comes to an end 30-year-old business comes to an end

DIXON – About a thousand people packed in like sardines in the lot next to Dixon Welding and Machine on U.S. Highway 200 for a grand auction full of treasures. Jerry Kohne owned the shop for just about three decades. He died late last year at the age of 82. Many of the people at the event came out t...

Community opens race registration to help school Community opens race registration to help school

DIXON – The Bison Stampede kicks off this Saturday, April 8, to help the Dixon School District fix their basketball court. “The basketball court in front of the school needs to be repaired, but the school doesn’t have the funding to do it,” said Dixon Administrative Assistant Breez...


DIXON — “Springtime in the Rockies” ... at last. The signs are all over, and we spring watchers are delighted. Some of my favorite signs include: pussy willows – (out in February) are in full fur; daffodils, tulips, peonies and other bulbs, which are coming up. Crocuses and primroses ...

Briefs for March 22, 2017

Business center fills in for resigned manager RONAN — On Monday, Lake County Community Development Corporation’s Business Development Center announced that long-time Client Services Manager Carol Cunningham has resigned to pursue other professional endeavors. “We wish Carol well in ...

Briefs for March 22, 2017

Have coffee with Chief Weaver, visit RPD website, Facebook RONAN — The public is invited to attend “Coffee with the Chief” at 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 28, at Ronan Café. Chief Ken Weaver will talk about the operations of the police department, discuss community matters and the impo...

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