Valley Journal
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We are all in this together

Editor, When I first moved to Montana, decades ago, I was impressed with the level of friendly debate between friends and neighbors - something I did not often see in the state I came from. Sadly, with the extraordinary stressors that we have today, many of us are circling the wagons, thinking of others as outsiders, and forgetting that we are all in this together. Some politicians are all too willing to use this human tendency in order to put together a base of support and to keep it motivated. Lately, I have been visiting the online public pages of our elected representatives. It is disheartening to see our representatives follow partisan talking points and put up misleading argumen...

View from the Library

We are really looking forward to 2022 here at the library with the return of some favorite programs and some big changes on the horizon for our building. Story Time returns on Thursday mornings at 9:15 a.m. starting Jan. 13. This program is geared toward kids ages 3-5 and their parents or caregivers. Each...

Things to consider

Editor, Here is some “fun stuff” I came across.  Do you ever wonder:   - Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?  - Why is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word?   - Why is it that doctors call what they do ‘practice’?  &nbs...

Political platforms

Editor, Looking back over the past year, I see the work that Senator Jon Tester has done.  I thank him.   He’s helped to secure disaster relief to farmers and ranchers who face drought, get federal money for MT and local school districts to procure domestically produced food during supp...

Health View

When I was a little girl, my most prized possession was my Fisher Price hospital. I took it with me everywhere I went and I would play for hours with the little round blue people with their surgical masks and blonde ponytails. Even though the figure dressed like a doctor was clearly a man and the ponytailed ...

Health View

Are you thinking about changing your habits in the next year to achieve better health? Are you thinking about trying to eat healthier or perhaps becoming more active? If the answer is yes, then you have joined thousands of others who are setting goals to adopt a healthier lifestyle, whether it be to protect ...

A Taylor’d Approach

Recently a friend of mine told me about a principle she’d learned from a Buddhist: everything is transient. I may not be Buddhist myself, but the concept intrigued me. It touches on something we all know but do a wonderful job of keeping out of our day-to-day thoughts.  The impermanence in life...

Valley Views

Attorney General Austin Knudsen recently spoke to a meeting of health care workers and community members in Sidney, where some employees of the Sidney Health Center were protesting the hospital’s intention to comply with a federal vaccine mandate for health care providers that receive Medicaid and Medi...

Slices of Life

Turning the calendar over to a new year is often a time of reflection, not only to look backward but also to look ahead. What can happen to make the future bigger and brighter?  The past year has been overflowing with lessons for my life. It’s been a year of change and challenges, struggles and...

Local vs. global

Editor, I subscribe to your paper to receive local news. The article from Peace Voice makes me think you are getting away from local to a globalist view paper.  Your readers need to know that Peace Voice is a globalist “peace” organization out of Portland Oregon. A town where they can&...

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