I’m experiencing parenthood all over again – through my daughter. To be honest, it’s easier watching it than actually living it. For sure there’s less sleep deprivation and wet, sticky kisses. But seeing her go through all the things I did has given me various perspectives that I don’t think I could have recognized back when I was in the trenches and up to my eyeballs in dirty diapers. It now occurs to me that parenthood brings with it both losses and gains. One of the most obvious examples is the loss of sleep. After becoming a parent I coveted sleep for decades. (Yes, that’s a plural.) My babies never slept through the night; and then they turned ...
We are all staying home as much as possible. Wearing our masks. Doing our own due diligence, because, gosh darn, it’s the right thing to do. Quarantine has become a way of life, and for one very specific, very important reason: coronavirus. We are focused on COVID-19. It is the enemy. It is my enemy...
The library is open for holds pick-up, materials checkout, materials return, and quick browsing. Two public computers are available for use on a first-come first-served basis. Please limit your visit to no more than 30 minutes. There is no seating available except at a computer. Curbside pickup is stil...
It isn’t supposed to be like this. But life is hardly ever predictable or fair. Everyone – all of us – are sacrificing at some level. The current nationwide – worldwide – situation is touching each of us in a truly personal way. I don’t want to dismiss or make lig...
It has been so nice to hear how important the library is to our community and we are so grateful to be able to offer you curbside pickup and home delivery. We have opened our book drop if you would like to return items (even those with stickers saying not to put in the book drop), but we want to reassure you...
Last year, I had one of my best ever Mother’s Days. I had a new granddaughter to hold and love. All my kids, who are grown or nearly so were on hand to help celebrate. I give thanks for them nearly every day. I am lucky and blessed. (Not necessarily in that order.) Still it was a dichotomous day for...
We are all social distancing. Hugs from a friend have been put on hold. Personal interaction is kept to a minimum. Masks have become fashion statements, gloves a necessity. We go out only when we are out of milk or eggs or toilet paper. We fear the touch of human contact. Well, not really but you get my drif...
“They don’t make music like they used to”- ever heard this allegation from the older generation-indicating today’s music isn’t as good as years ago? I’m a fairly passionate fan of electronic music, a modern genre along with pop and rap. Numerous times I have encountered th...
During this coronavirus pandemic, access to accurate and trustworthy information in your community is as critical to life under quarantine and as sought after as hand sanitizer and face masks. Your local newspaper provides the news and information unique to your community. Where are the testing sites and ...
Over the past several weeks, Montanans have faced unprecedented challenges. Our way of life has changed rapidly. Like every corner of our country, our once thriving economy is ailing. We’ve lost family members and friends. As we have aggressively managed the virus over the past five weeks, we ...