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Peace Voice

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Remember those words? What if they’re right, what if all people are created equal and have equal rights? Imagine the implications: A good option for easing the world’s suffering and to possibly save humanity from its myriad threats (climate change, nuclear war, etc.) is simply to accept that all people are created equal and in essence are a lot like everyone else, including you.  Cynics have said that America’s founding fathers were only thinking of white ...

Legislative Notes Legislative Notes

The most important global issue of the day is that of the middle east conflict. The barbaric evil of Hamas was in full display Oct. 7. The reports are undeniable; “The IDF told CNN that women, children, toddlers and elderly were brutally butchered in an ISIS way of action.” (CNN, Oct. 13) LA Time...

Legislative Notes

The most important global issue of the day is that of the middle east conflict. The barbaric evil of Hamas was in full display Oct. 7. The reports are undeniable; “The IDF told CNN that women, children, toddlers and elderly were brutally butchered in an ISIS way of action.” (CNN, Oct. 13) LA Time...

Legislative Notes  Legislative Notes

We’re now less than a year out from one of the biggest elections in Montana history. Next November, our ballots will be stacked with candidates for president, U.S. Senate, two congressional seats, governor, attorney general, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction, state auditor, and t...

Valley Views Valley Views

If you have seen the television show, “Jury Duty,” on Amazon Prime that came out last year, you will know that the show follows members of a jury who are tasked to decide a workplace dispute. The lawsuit and trial are fake. Everyone involved in the trial is an actor other than one member of the j...

Valley View

Flathead Lake is one of the most beautiful places on earth; however, this summer’s low lake levels severely impacted residents, irrigators, fishermen, recreators, marinas, land and dock owners, and many other businesses directly or indirectly.  The economic impact is huge. So, what happened, an...

Slices of Life

Life isn’t easy. And the epitome of that, perhaps, might be parenting.  (Okay, maybe the epitome is death, but let’s take a week away from that topic, shall we?) In regards to parenting being difficult: stop the judgmental comments already. I know what you’re thinking. People ...

Slices of Life

In simple terms, life can be summed up as moments of “good news” and “bad news.” I’ve come to believe it’s best to embrace both: the good and the bad because each makes us who we are. Each molds us. Each helps us grow as we are supposed to, meant to, during our time here o...

Legislative Notes

Recently opinion pieces and information sent to legislators regarding the counties decision to levy 77.9 mills instead of the State directed 95 mills has been circulating in both statewide newspapers, and internal legislative correspondence. It appears that the message being distributed is counties are gi...

Can political foes be personal friends?

Heads probably turned as we entered the early 1900s red brick town house in Warrenton, Virginia on a warm September morning. It happened to be the headquarters of the Fauquier County Republican Committee. Its chairman, Greg Schumacher, was welcoming me along with his Democratic counterpart, Max Hall. This...

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