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Sunshine Week: Your Right To Sunshine Week: Your Right To

Most of us prefer sunshine. It’s rare to hear someone say, “That was a nice, cloudy day.” We’re invigorated by a glorious sunrise and spend hours outdoors on brilliantly sunny days. As John Denver so succinctly sang, “Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.” In journalism, the reference to sunshine takes on an equally important meaning. Each year in March, news media organizations across the country celebrate Sunshine Week. We take this time to highlight the importance of transparency in our government, and we underscore the vital work our journalists do to fight for access to records that shed light on government activity. The Sunshine Act and ...

Savanna’s Act passes U.S. Senate

News from the Western Organization of Resource Councils WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate unanimously passed Savanna’s Act, S.227, and the House Judiciary Committee also unanimously passed its version of the bill, H.R. 2733, out of committee. Savanna’s Act next heads to the floor for ...

Gianforte statement on Montana’s first confirmed case of Coronavirus

News from Congressman Gianforte WASHINGTON – Congressman Greg Montana (R-Mont.) issued a statement after Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced that a Montanan visiting Maryland tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). “As the governor of Maryland confirms Montana’s first case of co...

Register for new Shape Up Montana

News from Shape Up Montana Montana’s Big Sky State Games, in conjunction with Shape Up Montana, are introducing an exciting new challenge called the Shape Up Montana Virtual 5k. Shape Up Montana, a three-month team wellness program, has helped over 80,000 Montanans log more that 14.5 million activ...

CSKT council takes COVID-19 prevention measures

News from CSKT  FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION — During a special meeting on March 15, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Council took action to protect people against COVID 19 after receiving extensive consultation from various officials, including Tribal Health, Lake County, CSKT Law ...

New lawsuit challenges Montana law restricting Native American voting access

News from the ACLU  MISSOULA —The American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Montana, and Native American Rights Fund challenged a Montana law that severely restricts Native Americans’ access to the ballot.

 The lawsuit was brought on behalf of Western Native Voice and Montana Native V...

FWP licensing call center extending hours

News from FWP  MONTANA – Hunters and anglers who are purchasing licenses online and have questions for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks can take advantage of extended hours at the licensing call center now through April 1. The call center will be fielding calls from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday...

Girl Scouts organization turns 108 years old

News from Girl Scouts of the USA Girl Scouts of the USA celebrates its rich history each March with National Girl Scout Week. March 12th marked the 108th birthday of Girl Scouts and commemorated the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization’s first 18 girl members...

Grant funding available for Native American community projects

News from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services WASHINGTON D.C. — Culture. Native languages. Education. Food. Economic development. The environment. These are essential components to the health and well-being of Native communities, and this year, the Administration for Native Americans i...

84th annual Cherry Growers’ meeting held 84th annual Cherry Growers’ meeting held

News from Flathead Lake Cherry Growers, Inc. YELLOW BAY — The 84th annual cherry growers’ meeting will be on held Saturday, April 4, at the Yellow Bay Community Clubhouse, 23429 Montana Highway 35. Sponsored by Flathead Lake Cherry Growers, Inc., a Montana agricultural cooperative, the meeti...

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