Local News

RONAN – Charlo Middle School eighth-grader August Hertz was all business on the stage in front of a panel of judges on Tuesday evening during the 55th annual Lake County Spelling Bee at the Ronan Performing Arts Center. Hertz clearly and deliberately pronounced each letter of the word “buffoonery” into a microphone to secure the title of Lake County’s top speller. He outlasted 38 of the top fourth-through eighth-grade spellers representing eight Mission Valley area schools who all qualified for the county bee during preliminary spelling contests at each of their schools. Spelling bee director and Lake County Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Hall organized the ...
LAKE COUNTY– The Montana Department of Transportation’s Aeronautics Board has awarded the Polson, St. Ignatius and Ronan airports grant funds that will be used to improve airport runways. “We do everything we possibly can to extend the life of our runways,” said Rick Newman, ...
News from the Boy Scouts of America The Boy Scouts of America announced that the national organization has filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to achieve two key objectives: equitably compensate victims who were harmed during their time in Scouting and continue carryi...
LAKE COUNTY – A new state regulation intended to protect school children from drinking contaminated water will require schools to regularly test water students might consume. According to the Centers for Disease Control, lead poisoning — the buildup of lead in the body -- can cause learn...
News from the Montana Census MONTANA – The Montana Census State Complete Count Committee is asking businesses, organizations and community facilities to sign up to become a Be Counted site for the 2020 Census. For the first time, Montanans will be able to respond to the Census online and ...

News from the Kuilix Chapter of the DAR ST. IGNATIUS – Kuilix Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, recently honored five area high school seniors who were selected by their schools as DAR Good Citizens. The award ceremony was held on Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Mission Valley United Method...
News from Congressman Greg Gianforte WASHINGTON – Congressman Greg Gianforte (R-Mont.) recently introduced the bipartisan Data Mapping to Save Moms’ Lives Act. The bill will use data mapping to identify areas of the country where high rates of poor maternal health overlap with a lack o...
News from the Office of the Governor COLORADO SPRINGS – Governor Steve Bullock delivered a keynote address on the value of public lands and conservation at an event celebrating the 10th annual Conservation in the West poll. “Folks out West have a special appreciation for our public...
News from OPI MONTANA — The Office of Public Instruction announced that nomination and application forms are available for the 2021 Montana Teacher of the Year Program. Members of the public can fill out a simple form to nominate a teacher. Teachers can self-nominate by filling out an applic...
Fifth grade 4.0: Jocelyn Anciaux, Donovan Beeks, Raydean Bird, Lockley Bremner, Corben Carlson, Logan Clairmont, London Davis, Morgan Delaney, Ryder Feistner, Strider Gage, Bradley Hamann, Zailee Hewankorn, Annalyse Lozar, Greta Lund, Malela Michel, Alli Relph, Aniya Rosenbrock, Ahrianna Rushing...