Areyahona Trigg RONAN — Areyahona MarjieAnn Trigg was born on Dec. 16, 2022 at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. Parents are Doug Trigg and Cortnie Ellenwood of Polson. Paternal grandfather is Robert D. Trigg of Corona, California. Maternal grandparents are Chris and Jana Ellenwood of Polson. Elara Toney RONAN — Elara Janice Toney was born on Dec. 21, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces. Parents are Dasan and Morgan Toney of Ronan. Paternal grandparents are (the late) Stephen Toney and Amy Guymon of Hamilton. Maternal grandparents are Pen...
RONAN — Cecelia Quequesah was born on Dec. 4 at the St. Luke New Beginnings Birth Center in Ronan. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Parents are Marissa Stepina and James Quequesah of Polson.
Zu’Alan Mahseelah RONAN — Zu’Alan Paul-Barry Mahseelah was born on Nov. 19, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Parents are Thomas Mahseelah and LaShaya Assiniboine of Polson. Paternal grandparents are Michael Ann Mahse...
Claradelle Madman RONAN — Claradelle Jade Rockwell Madman was born on Oct. 15, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces. Parents are George Madman and Adeleene Rockwell of St. Ignatius. Paternal grandparents are William Little Plume and...
Jaedyn Jackson RONAN — Jaedyn Rae Jackson was born on Sept. 17, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Parents are Dunnavant Jackson and Alex Godoy of St. Ignatius. Paternal grandparents are William and Danielle Strahorn Jr. of Mode...
Adley Oborne RONAN — Adley Nicole Oborne was born on Sept. 12, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. Parents are Zach Osborne and Christine Robinson of Ronan. Paternal grandparents are Todd Osborne and Jeanine Linton of Clark Fork, ...
Elianna Rodda RONAN — Elianna Mae Rodda was born on Aug. 21, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Parents are Erik Rodda and Dawn Barnard of Ronan. Paternal grandparents are Jasen Rodda and Dara Rodda of Ronan. Maternal grandparen...
Elaina Castor RONAN — Elaina Raylynn Castor was born on Aug. 6, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Parents are Joseph and Jessica Castor of St. Ignatius. Paternal Great-grandparents are Vickie Castor and Randy Hovet of Charlo. Ma...
Nyran Nguyen RONAN — Nyran Michael-Joseph Nguyen was born on July 21, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Parents are Nyibe Nguyen and Roberta Hammer of Ronan
Chaysen Fairbrother RONAN — Chaysen Rae Fairbrother was born on July 11, 2022, at the St. Luke Community Healthcare New Beginnings Birth Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Parents are Shadow Fairbrother and Katlyn Hindman of Hot Springs. Paternal grandparents are Shannon Fairbrother of Libby ...