Sunday, September 15
CASA Golf Scramble planned
POLSON — The CASA Scramble is an 18 hole four-person Scramble benefiting CASA of Lake and Sanders Counties. This event will be held at the Polson Bay Golf Course on Sunday, Sept. 15. For more information, call 406-883-8230 or email:
Jambalaya planned for Democrat picnic
POLSON — The Lake County Democrats are holding their annual “end of the summer” picnic at Polson’s Boettcher Park on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 5 p.m. “New Orleans Jambalaya” will be featured. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. BYOB and a chair. Come support your local candidates. Call Dayna McClure at 406-544-5165 with your questions.
Peace celebrated at MVUMC
ST. IGNATIUS — On Sept. 15 from 1-4 p.m., Mission Valley United Methodist Church on Post Creek Hill is honoring International Peace Day with a carnival theme celebration. There will be a bounce house, corn hole, crafts, face painting, cake walk and lots of fun. There will also be hotdogs, popcorn and ice cream. There is no admission charge. If you can bring a non-perishable food item for one of the local food banks, that would be great, but not required. See you there on Sept. 15.
Republicans hold fundraiser
RONAN — The Lake County Republicans are selling LRT tickets online at: for our annual fundraiser on Sunday, Sept. 15, at the Lake County Community Center in Ronan. There is a social hour starting at 1 p.m. and dinner will be served at 2 p.m. Come meet your local candidates and enjoy the dinnr, auction and raffle.
Tuesday, September 17
Build your own arcade game series held
POLSON — “Introduction to Coding,” taught by Brycen, is the first in a series of four programs on building your own arcade game. Register for the series by calling 406-883-8225. The one-hour classes from 4-5 p.m. are held on the third Thursday of each month starting in August and finishing in December at the North Lake County Public Library.
Wednesday, September 18
David Spear’s ‘Walk the Walk Then & Now’
PABLO — An opening reception for an exhibition of photographs by David J. Spear will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Three Woodcocks Fine Arts Building, #65 Buffalo Gallery at Salish Kootenai College. The exhibition will run from Sept. 18 to Dec. 31. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday thru Friday. This is a presentation made possible by SKC’S Native American Studies, Fine Arts, and Digital Design Technology Departments and a grant from the Montana Arts Council.
Meditation classes offered
ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice, and discussion via Zoom from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at
Participate in CSKT Tribal Health Harvest Fest
HOT SPRINGS — The CSKT Tribal Health Harvest Fest will be held in Hot Springs at the city park from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Come celebrate community at this family-friendly event that includes health education, games, fresh local produce, door prizes, and dry meat.
Ronan Schools holds Child Find event
RONAN — A free screening for children birth to 2 years 11 months and ages 3 to 5 years 11 months will be held at K.W. Harvey School from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. by appointment only. Call 406-676-3390 ext. 7450. Screening includes: hearing, speech, language, basic school readiness, and motor skills.
Take Flyover Raptor ID workshop
KALISPELL — On Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 6–8 p.m. join Flathead Audubon Conservation Educator Denny Olson at the Picnic Shelter at Lone Pine State Park for Flyover Raptor ID, an engaging workshop on identifying raptors both perched and in flight. Gain essential tips and techniques for spotting and distinguishing raptors from the ground, enhancing your birdwatching skills and deepening your appreciation for these impressive aerial hunters. Space is limited, so be sure to register in advance by calling 406.755.2706, ext 0.
Thursday, September 19
Friends of the Library holds Donation Day
POLSON — You are welcome to bring material donations to the North Lake County Public Library on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. There is a limit of two boxes at a time. Our Friends of the Library have set the third Thursday of each month as “Donation Day.” Please refer to our Materials Donation Policy on our website.
Lake Monsters hold try-outs
POLSON — Mission Valley Aquatics and Fitness will hold open try-outs on Thursday, Sept. 19, 4-6 p.m. for the Lake Monsters swim teams.
Learn about ‘Connecting to Nature from the Back Porch’
KALISPELL — On Thursday, Sept. 19, from 10–11:30 a.m. at Lone Pine State Park, experience the health benefits of nature without venturing far from home in this 90-minute workshop led by Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide Ellen Horowitz. Learn simple techniques to incorporate nature into your daily routine to reduce stress. The workshop takes place on the wheelchair-accessible porches of the Lone Pine Visitor Center. Space is limited to 10 participants, so secure your spot by registering in advance at 406-755-2706, ext. 0.
Learn about water quality in Flathead Watershed
KALISPELL — On Thursday, Sept. 18, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is hosting at Lone Pine State Park, a speaker in the Visitor Center Conference Room from 7-7:45 p.m. Dive into the critical topic of water quality with an expert from the Flathead Lake Biological Station. Discover the current state of the Flathead Watershed and the ongoing efforts to preserve its pristine waters. Lone Pine State Park is 5 miles southwest of Kalispell. This event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited, so please register in advance by calling the Visitor Center at 406-755-2706, ext. 0.
SPLASH in Polson
POLSON — The September SPLASH gathering will be held at First Interstate Bank from 5-7 p.m. There will be lots of great food, a 50/50 drawing and other surprises.
Friday, September 20
Art show reception held
POLSON — An Upcycled and Recreated Art Show reception will be held at the Sandpiper Art Gallery & Gifts, on Friday, Sept. 20, from 5-7 p.m.
Homeschool Café held at library
POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library’s Homeschool Café is on Friday, Sept. 20, from 10-11 a.m. Come and learn more about homeschooling, and meet other homeschool families. Must register to attend. Call 406-883-8225 to register.
Saturday, September 21
14th annual Harvest Festival held
RONAN — The 14th annual Harvest Festival is Saturday, Sept. 21, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at 63239 US Highway 93. View the Trail of Bales, and more.Visit: for more information. Also a
Flavors of Fall contests where kids and adults can enter a home-kitchen prepared dessert, bread or specialty item (canned good, salsa, jelly). Nothing needing refrigeration. Pre-register or questions by calling or texting 406-240-0640. Check-in is noon to 12:55 p.m. Bring a copy of your recipe. Entries on paper plate or recyclable container only. Entries judged on appearance, taste & creativity. Special categories are Flavors of Fall and Best Presentation. Must be present to win.
21st Ducks Unlimited banquet planned
POLSON — The Mission Valley Ducks Unlimited Banquet will be held at the Elks Lodge, 512 Main Street on Saturday, Sept. 21, beginning at 5 p.m. Call 406-382-0518 or 605-212-4555 for tickets.
Bring your appetite to Big Arm breakfast
BIG ARM — Join us on Saturday, Sept. 2,1 at the historic Big Arm School as our kitchen crew will whip up a delightful breakfast of pancakes, scrambled egg, sausage, coffee, and juice served from 8:30-11 a.m. We do not charge for the meal-but donations are accepted.
Elks Golf Tourney held
POLSON — The Mission Valley Elks Tournament held at the Polson Bay Golf Course is on Sept. 21, from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Email for more information.
Experience ‘September Stumpers’ at Lone Pine
KALISPELL — On Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 a.m.-noon, stop by the Lone Pine State Park Picnic Shelter for a fun and educational drop-in program where you can uncover fascinating facts about Lone Pine State Park and test your knowledge for a chance to win sticker prizes. No registration is needed.
Pedal to Plate set for Sept. 21
MISSION VALLEY — Join us Sept. 21, for a scenic bike tour at the base of the Mission Mountains. Riders will stop and visit four to six local, sustainable farms with food bites offered at each stop. This year we are offering a 40-50 mile route. Registrations are $115/each. Go to our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.
Wednesday, September 25
Irrigators to meet
RONAN — The Flathead Irrigation District will meet on Sept. 25, at 1 p.m. upstairs at the MWCD building, 407 Main Street SW.
Irrigators to meet
RONAN — The Flathead Irrigation District will hold their monthly meeting on Sept. 25, upstairs at the Mission West Community Development Partners building, 407 Main Street SW., at 1 p.m.
Library’s Page Turner’s Club to meet
POLSON — On Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. The North Lake County Public Library’s Page Turner’s Youth Book Club will meet in the Community Room to discuss this month’s book “OCDaniel” by Wesley King. Come pick up your FREE book then join us to discuss your favorite part and do an activity related to the title.
Meditation classes offered
ZOOM — Mission Mountain Zen is offering free online meditation classes. Join the Mission Mountain Zen Center on Wednesdays, for an online meditation class led by Zen Teacher, Zenku, including meditation instruction, practice, and discussion via Zoom from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information and a Zoom link to the class call Zenku at 847-721-0665 or email at:
Participate in CSKT Tribal Health Harvest Fest
ELMO — The CSKT Tribal Health Harvest Fest will be held in Elmo at Ksanka Hall from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Come celebrate community at this family-friendly event that includes health education, games, fresh local produce, door prizes, and dry meat.
Thursday, September 26
Fall tips to help your native pollinators and birds
KALISPELL — On Thursday, Sept. 26, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is hosting at Lone Pine State Park, one of their September Speaker Series talks in the Visitor Center Conference Room from 7-7:45 p.m. Join us for an engaging session on how doing less in your garden can actually benefit native pollinators and birds. Learn about the Flathead Pollinator Initiative, get tips on fall seeding, and hear from local participants about what’s working well in their pollinator gardens. After the talk, celebrate the success of local pollinator gardens with a pollinator party—refreshments will be served. Lone Pine State Park is 5 miles southwest of Kalispell. This event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited, so please register in advance by calling the Visitor Center at 406-755-2706, ext. 0.
Mission Valley Choral practices begin
POLSON — The Mission Valley Choral Society’s practices begin on Thursday, Sept. 26, from 7-9 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. The holiday concerts are scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 14, at the Mission in St. Ignatius and on Sunday, Dec. 15. At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Polson. The choir invites anyone who enjoys singing. Basses and baritones are especially needed. For information call 406-261-3304 or 406-240-6103 or check out the MVCS website: or Facebook page.
Friday, September 27
Donate to third annual ‘Stuff the Truck’ football event
POLSON — Bring 2 or more non-perishable food items (per person) to the Friday, Sept. 27, football game between Polson and Columbia Falls to be played at 7 p.m. at the Pirate Stadium and Providence will cover your admission fee to the football game.
Join Parkinson’s Disease summit virtually, in person
KALISPELL/ZOOM — A summit on Parkinson’s Disease will be held on Sept. 27 and 28 at the Red Lion Inn in Kalispell or virtually. Either way, register at:
Polson Police Chief to speak at Big Arm potluck event
BIG ARM _ The Big Arm Association will host a potluck on Friday, Sept. 27, at 5:30 p.m. Bring a favorite dish to share with your neighbors. Our guest speaker for the evening will be Chief of Police in Polson, George Simpson, and he will discuss how to recognize and avoid fraud and scams. We’ve all had those phone calls, or e-mails on the computer trying to get your personal information. It will be a very informative evening. For more information, contact Nancy Foster at 406-849-5064.
Vietnam vet, author to speak at Pachyderms’ meeting
POLSON — Our next Pachyderm meeting will be held on Friday, Sept. 27, at noon at the Polson Rural Fire Station.
Our guest speaker for this meeting will be Vietnam veteran and author, David (Doc) Chung. He is a Veterans Service Officer for The Military Order of The Purple Heart, Department of Montana. He published a Memoir called “Face of The Enemy, An American Asian’s War in Vietnam and at Home.”
Saturday, September 28
66th Annual Mission Valley Elks Golf Tournament held
POLSON — Register at the Polson Bay Golf Course as slots fill up fast for the Saturday, Sept. 28, golf event. Get your 2-person team registered now.
Adult book club begins at library
POLSON — The North Lake County Public Library is starting a new Book Club for Adults. “The Bookfest Club” will meet Saturday, Sept. 28, at 10 a.m. to discuss this month’s selection, “West with Giraffes” by Lynda Rutledge. Please sign up for this event so we can plan accordingly.
Best food, wine party of the year held at FVCC
KALISPELL — Enjoy the best food and wine party, with a dozen local chefs and restaurants offering their best dishes and Summit Beverage offering impressive wines.
The Grand Wine Tasting is the place to bid on amazing auction packages. All proceeds benefit student scholarships. Go to: fvccedu/foundation or FVCC Facebook for details.
Enjoy free entry to Glacier Park
GLACIER PARK — In celebration of National Public Lands Day, entry to National Parks is free on Saturday, Sept. 28. For information on reservations, go to:
Flathead Lake State Park hosting guided hikes
KALISPELL — Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is hosting guided hikes at the Wayfarers Unit of Flathead Lake State Park in Bigfork. These hikes will be Sept. 28, and Oct. 5 and feature an introduction to how the forest recycles nutrients by decomposing various dead organisms. Each hike will be about one mile in length. Please bring weather-appropriate clothing, proper footwear, snacks, and a water bottle. These hikes are limited to 20 people and registration can be done by calling the Ranger Station at 406-837-3041 ext. 0. The cost is $4 per participant, and free for kids 12 and under. For more information, call the park visitor center at 406-837-3041 ext. 0.
Tune up our trails on National Public Lands Day
KALISPELL — On Saturday, Sept. 28, from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. join us for National Public Lands Day and make a difference in our local trails. We’ll start at 8:30 a.m. at North Foy’s Lake Access, then divide into teams to tackle trail maintenance at Lone Pine State Park and Foys to Blacktail Trails.
Enjoy a rewarding day of teamwork and outdoor service, with lunch provided at noon by the Kalispell Daybreak Rotary Club. Please register in advance so we can plan work teams and for lunch by calling 406-755-2706, ext. 0.