Articles Written By: Elizabeth Anderson
POLSON — The Mission Mountain Wood Band will perform from the McCrumb Construction and Marine Barge on Flathead Lake July 4 at Sacajawea Park in Polson. Admission is free, due to the generous contribution of sponsors and will include a fireworks spectacle, courtesy of Polson Chamber and donors. The ban...
RONAN — “Honestly, it came to me in the middle of the night,” said Joe Johns about incorporating the Donner Party history into this year’s vehicle-based scavenger hunt in the Mission Valley. Johns and Jim Morgan, both former firefighters who serve on the Pioneer Days Committe...
RONAN — The Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries recently announced that 219 school libraries in the country received a total of $1,095,000 in grants in 2014. Each school received $5,000 in grants to extend, diversify, and update library book collections for students. Ronan&rsqu...
FINLEY POINT — Archie Fuqua, Sergeant for Tribal Fish and Game, answered a call on South Finley Point Sunday morning in response to an injured mother bear and her two healthy year-old cubs who were nestled near the forest in a residential back yard. This was his third bear call of the morning. &ldqu...
POLSON — The Mission Valley Christian Academy held its 20th anniversary memorial open house and barbecue Friday, May 23, on the last day of school. The gathering also served as a tribute to honor teachers and to highlight accounts of what was learned over the last school year. Chris Bumgarner ...