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Birth Announcement

‘Love at First Site’ Baby Fair planned for Feb. 1

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News from CSKT Early Childhood Services

PABLO - CSKT’s “Love at First Site” Baby Fair will take place on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. in the Salish Kootenai College Gym. If you are a new parent, an expecting parent, families with children 0-5 years old, a community member, please join us. Lunch will be provided, along with a book walk, vaccinations hearing screenings, pregnancy education, tobacco information, health information, Narcan, vision screenings, job opportunities, door prizes, face painting, car seat safety & inspections, dental information, breast feeding information, chair massages, substance abuse prevention, ECE development, self-care information, literacy information, family pictures, parenting information and more. For more information call 406-745-4509.


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