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Polson seniors for Jan. 22, 2025

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POLSON - We continue to provide weekday lunches for seniors and the needy in our community. This year our meals served per week continues to grow in unprecedented numbers. We thank our employees and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. We thank all our members, our community and government agencies for their support.

AARP Tax Preparation Assistance mandatory pre-registration begins now. You must make a reservation for assistance by calling or stopping by the Polson Senior Community Center. Appointment times are available now for February, March, or April.

Full-time or part-time Executive Assistant/Nutrition Director wanted. Apply at the center. Weekdays only. Wage D.O.E. $16-$25. Negotiable.


 -  Bowling: “no-tap” Tuesdays 1-3 p.m. Join any time.

 -  Carving Wood for beginners: Wednesdays & Fridays at 1 p.m. Join any week. 

 -  Wednesday Play Day: cards, board games, dominoes, Yahtzee, etc. Invite a foursome.   

 -  VSO (veterans service officer:) first Friday and third Tuesday of each month. 9 a.m.-noon -walk-ins OK

 -  Spinning Wheelers: First Tuesday of each month Feb. 4- 11 a.m.-1p.m. 208-520-1013

 -  Bingo Fridays: open at 5:30 p.m. play at 6 p.m.; “playing-card” Bingo begins Wednesday, Feb. 5

 -  Exercise: sitting or standing or dancing, M-W-F, 10:30– 11:30 a.m., video-assisted, low impact 

 -  Pinochle: Thursdays and Mondays - 12:15-3 p.m. We play 3, 4 or 5 handed. Late arrivals OK.  

 -  Pool: Open table from 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Menu (subject to change) - lunch $5 donation from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

 - Thursday, Jan. 23: pigs in-a-blanket, mac-n-cheese, pickled beets, crispy fruit

 -  Friday, Jan. 24: birthday dinner for lunch - roast beef with all the fixings, and cake too 

 -  Monday, Jan. 27: taco soup, corn bread, fruit salad, coconut cream pudding

 -  Tuesday, Jan. 28: beef stroganoff, noodles, carrots, stewed tomatoes, coleslaw ramen, smore’s cake

 -  Wednesday, Jan. 29: chicken salad, roll, pea-cheese salad, cheesecake

 -  Thursday, Jan. 30: turkey a-la-king, biscuit, cranberries, pear-cheese salad, key lime bars

 -  Friday, Jan. 31: sloppy Joes, tots, Jell-O, cookie 

Our Polson Senior Community Center is located at 504 Third Ave. E. We are open 8 a.m.–3 p.m. weekdays. Call us at 406-883-4735 - mail: or visit us on Facebook.


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