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Hunting season picks up with two weeks remaining

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News from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

KALISPELL — Montana’s general hunting season is down to the final two weeks, and activity has picked up in northwest Montana.

The general deer and elk hunting season concludes Dec 1, 2024.

Hunters typically see increased chances of success with the arrival of the deer breeding season, known as the “rut,” which typically begins in early-to-mid November.

So far this season, more hunters have reported harvesting more deer and elk at the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ regional game check stations in northwest Montana compared to last season. Overall, through four weekends of the season, more than 7,400 hunters have been checked at the stations and the percentage of hunters with game has been 9.8 percent compared to 7.5 percent a year ago. A total of 625 white-tailed deer have been reported at the check stations compared to 382 a year ago.

FWP strongly recommends that hunters receive a negative CWD test result before bringing their deer, elk or moose to a meat processor or donating it to a foodbank. 

If the animal tests positive for CWD, FWP will advise the hunter on proper carcass and meat disposal and give instructions on how to request a replacement license.

How to Submit Samples for Testing

All hunters who want their harvested animal sampled can submit samples themselves by following steps on the Montana CWD Submission Guide or by visiting a CWD Sampling Station.

CWD Sample Stations

Hunters should “Be Bear Aware” and properly store food and carcasses. Hunters should avoid hanging carcasses near houses or garages. Carcasses should be suspended at least 10 feet above the ground and 4 feet out from any upright support. Hunters are encouraged to carry bear spray and know how to use it. More food storage and safety information are available on the FWP website a:t


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