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Governor announces annual Youth Hunting Story Contest

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News from the office of Governor Gianforte

HELENA — Governor Greg Gianforte recently announced the launch of the third annual Governor’s Youth Hunting Story Contest, open to Montana youth and apprentice hunters ages 10 to 17.

“Over the last two years, we’ve been inspired by the incredible stories from young hunters across Montana in our Youth Hunting Story Contest,” Gov. Gianforte said. “As we launch the contest for its third year, I invite all youth and apprentice hunters who harvest an animal this season to share their experiences with us.”

To enter the contest, hunters must submit a story of no more than 500 words and a photo from their hunt. Hunters must be a Montana resident and a licensed hunter or apprentice hunter between the ages of 10-17. Eligible entries include the harvest of any legal game, furbearer animals, or birds in Montana.

The governor will select ten hunters, five aged 10-13 and five aged 14-17, and announce the winners mid-December. Winners will be invited to the Capitol to receive prizes and celebrate with the governor in January of the new year.

The deadline to enter the contest is Monday, Dec. 2, 2024.

To learn more and enter the Governor’s Youth Hunting Story Contest, visit:

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