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Local hunter education instructor passes torch

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LAKE COUNTY — Fall is approaching and hunting is on the minds of many. I have been getting inquiries from folks on Hunter Education Classes. At this time, we have a class scheduled to start Oct. 1 for the Pablo/SKC for students in Lake County. These classes are free, and everyone is welcome to attend. As in the past, we have students take the class for non-hunting reasons, skills related to safe handling of firearms as well as basic instruction in wildlife management, game identification, landowner/hunter relations, hunter ethics and Montana hunting laws and regulations, bear safety, survival training, and more. We encourage families to attend with their children. 

Completion of Hunter Education is required for anyone born after Jan. 1, 1985, before they can purchase a Montana hunter license. There is no charge for the Hunter Education Classroom course. To register for the class log onto: on the FWP website. You can also search for other classes in our area. 

After years of being involved with Hunter Education as lead instructor for Lake County, I saw an opportunity to pass the torch. After Covid shutdowns, Fish Wildlife and Parks was switching over to Online Certification for all students. Online classes were started back in 2009 for adults, so it was in place at the time to allow youth to take them as well. So, for several years no in-person classes took place. Many of our longstanding instructors have not returned to carry on. Once classes were started up again the class sizes were greatly reduced. Recently FWP has required students under the age of 18 to take an in-person Field Day. I believe we will see an increase in in- person participation due to the desire of parents to get a better learning experience for the children. 

Here in Lake County, I feel we have a very good core group of instructors. From Arlee, St. Ignatius, Charlo, including classes held in Pablo covering the North, we have dedicated instructors. After working a few classes with an instructor that moved here from out of state, I felt that he would do a great job of taking over my spot. Steve Hoffman, who now resides in Ronan, has accepted the lead position. I suggested to FWP that Steve would be a very good one from my experience. They agreed and Steve has already been working with SKC to schedule classrooms for our upcoming class this fall. I believe that Steve will carry on the great relationship that was established and promoted with the Tribe and SKC. Their support over the years has been vital to our program here and very much appreciated. One thing I learned is that no leader is any better than the people working with him. 

I have many regrets about stepping down as a lead instructor but plan to assist as long as I am able. Nothing is more rewarding than have a young person or parent, come up to me somewhere and say, “Hi and thanks for being in our classes.” I always feel bad that I can’t remember all the names but seeing them share their pride and hunting stories make it all worthwhile. 

Another blessing was working with very supportive FWP personnel over the years. From Helena to our local Regional Offices, every person went out of their way to make sure we had all the support needed. I look forward to a bright future for the program and am glad to have been a part of it. 


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