St. Ignatius seniors for July 19, 2023
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ST. IGNATIUS — Good Old Days celebration was fun, busy and had a good time visiting with old friends and meeting new friends.
Saturday, July 15 was the Senior Citizen Center Pancake Breakfast and bingo.
Thanks to all that came and ate breakfast and played bingo. A big thank you to the 4-Hers that came and helped with the breakfast and rode on our float.
The St. Ignatius Senior Center is looking to hire a site manager. They will work with the kitchen staff to plan meals, due the computer work, visit with meal participants and help the Center with other projects. The work is two to three days a week for six to eight hour per day. If you are interested, please call 406-745-4462 for more information.
Gardens have started to produce, and fresh vegetables are healthy for each of us. If you have a garden and find yourself with extra veggies and/or fruit, please remember the senior centers and your local Food Pantries. I know everyone enjoys these items.
If you are interested in 1000 pieces puzzles, we have quite a few to give out.
Everyone is welcome to come enjoy meals with us. We love to have old neighbors and new. You don’t have to be a senior to join and support our center. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a meal with us.
— Wednesday, July 19: dinner 5:30 p.m. - pork roast, carrot bake, broccoli salad, dessert
— Friday, July 21: noon 3-bean casserole, cornbread, fruit salad, cakes
— Tuesday, July 25: noon taco Tuesday, Mexican corn, chocolate cake
— Friday, July 28: noon barbeque chicken, buns, salad, cherry pie
If you are interested in a take-out meal, please call, 406-745-4462, by 10 a.m. For a menu call and we will email it to you or you can pick one up.
You are invited to become a member of the St. Ignatius Senior Citizen Center for a fee of $10 a year. You can join us at any age.
The Foot Hill Club meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. for snacks and cards.
Gently Yoga is on Wednesdays. If you are interested, please call 406-2253-0171. Rates are five sessions for $60.
We have a walker, commode, shower chair, wheelchair and a high-rise toilet seat to loan out. A kind gentleman gave us some Depends, Sanitary pads and body wipes that are available. Call 406-745-4462 or come in to see what we have.
Our center is available to rent. If interested, call 406-745-4462. The senior center has a computer available for use. If interested come in Tuesdays or Fridays between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. or call.
Call Lake County Council on Aging at 406-676-2367 for help with other areas of your life such as transportation, respite etc.