Governor Gianforte proclaims February CTE Month
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News from the office of Governor Gianforte
HELENA – Continuing his focus on promoting trades education and individualized, work-based learning opportunities for students, Governor Greg Gianforte today proclaimed February 2023 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month in Montana.
“Everybody wins when students have access to personalized work-based learning paths to prepare them for their future,” Gov. Gianforte said. “CTE programs set our students up for success, empowering them with in-demand skills to thrive in today’s workforce. We’ll continue to promote access to these opportunities for the next generation of Montanans.”
WHEREAS, every student deserves access to the best education possible to prepare them for their future; and
WHEREAS, Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides Montana students with unique work-based learning opportunities to prepare them for a broad range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand jobs; and
WHEREAS, by empowering young Montanans with in-demand skills, CTE programs help build a stronger Montana workforce and create greater opportunities for our students to live, work, and raise a family in Montana; and
WHEREAS, school boards in Montana are encouraged to create personalized proficiency and work-based learning paths for each Montana student, with many already doing so through CTE programs;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Greg Gianforte, Governor of the State of Montana, do hereby proclaim the month of February 2023
in Montana to promote Career and Technical Education in schools and its role in empowering students with in-demand skills and building a highly-skilled, highly-qualified workforce.