Governor Gianforte: ‘American dream is alive and well here in Montana’
Governor delivers second State of the State address
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News from the Office of the Governor
HELENA — On Wednesday, Jan. 25, Governor Greg Gianforte delivered his second State of the State address to a joint session of the Montana Legislature and directly to the people of Montana.
Gov. Gianforte’s address highlighted Montana’s accomplishments over the past two years and emphasized the promise of Montana’s future. Governor Gianforte outlined his priorities to create greater opportunity for all Montanans, build stronger families and safer communities, protect our way of life, and help more Montanans achieve the American Dream.
Highlights from Governor Gianforte’s 2023 State of the State Address:
Growing Our Economy
Together, we’ve created more than 31,000 new jobs … We’ve hit record-low unemployment.
Cutting Red Tape
Right now, there are more than 160 red tape relief bills.
Changing the Way State Government Does Business
We’re also being better stewards of taxpayer dollars – making government more efficient... And with our historic surplus, we’re going to make Montana debt-free in ‘23.”
Bringing Job Creators to Montana
15 innovative businesses have come to Montana and are creating more than 900 good-paying Montana jobs.
Cutting Taxes
That’s why we’re going to cut your taxes by over one billion dollars.
Protecting Parents’ Rights in Education
Let’s empower Montana parents to choose what’s best for their family and their kids. Let’s protect parents’ rights.
Bringing Innovation to Education
We need fresh, new thinking and bold leaders to deliver the best education possible for our kids. Be innovative. Be transformative. Develop partnerships with the private sector. Don’t be constrained by brick and mortar. And improve education opportunities for all our students.
Investing in Our Teachers
We enacted the TEACH Act in 2021 … In its first year, the TEACH Act has helped nearly 500 new teachers begin their career in Montana.”
Building a Stronger Workforce
So we modernized our apprenticeship system – quadrupling the number of apprenticeship opportunities in Montana.
Making Housing More Affordable and Attainable
The HOMES Program invests $200 million to expand water and sewer infrastructure, and ultimately expand housing capacity throughout our state. I ask you to pass the HOMES Program.
Supporting Montana Families and Children
“As we’re proposing a $1,200 child tax credit for kids under 6….To get more children into permanent, loving homes, we’re proposing an adoption tax credit of $5,000. And if you adopt a kid in our foster care system, we’ll bump that credit to $7,500.”
Sending a Message to President Biden:
Secure Our Southern Border Now. This fentanyl crisis is a direct consequence of our nation’s insecure and porous southern border.
Investing in and Supporting Law Enforcement
We propose to invest $200 million to repair and expand capacity at the state prison in Deer Lodge … Our budget funds 16 new highway patrol troopers and criminal investigators. We also propose funding six new prosecutors at the Montana Department of Justice
Improving our Behavioral Health System
Instead of turning our backs on those struggling with addiction, we’re investing in hope and opportunity as they get clean, sober, and healthy.
Increasing Public Access to our Public Lands
As we better manage our lands, we’re also increasing access to them.
Preserving the American Dream in Montana
While the American Dream might be fleeting in some states, it’s alive and well here in Montana. Because we embrace the freedoms that are foundational to who we are as Americans.