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Consider Azzopardi

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I’m sure Joe Read is a nice guy, but he also seems pretty good at wasting taxpayer money during his time in Helena. He supported convening a special session this year, an unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer funds since the issues will be considered during the regular session. He voted for unnecessary restrictions to voter registration despite advice that it would likely lose in court (it has, costing Montanans over $1.2 million). Rep. Read sponsored a bill on non-tribal hunting within the Reservation boundaries (HB 241) that, had it passed, would certainly have resulted in losing a lawsuit that Montanans would have had to pay for. He wasted time writing a bill (HB 418) that parroted silly fringe theories about atmospheric science. Had it passed, HB 418 would have mandated that Montana educators impart false information to their students. 

He squandered time attempting to have Montanans go on record as favoring repeal of the 17th amendment to the U.S. Constitution (LC 2832), evidently thinking that we shouldn’t be able to directly elect our own U.S. Senators. While not busy with nutty ideas that went nowhere, Rep. Read voted to support HB 599, the new law that has made it difficult for Jocko Valley residents to voice their concerns about a large gravel mining operation that will doubtless affect their way of life. 

When we send someone to Helena, shouldn’t that person work to have state government help better our lives rather than waste money on frivolous pursuits? Fortunately, District 93 voters have choice on November 8. Shirley Azzopardi will work hard for us, and deserves your vote.

Rich Harris



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