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Life is made of stepping stones

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How am I to view the many ‘stones’ in my pathway?  Here is one answer that has become special with me.  See what you think.

The following was written by my grandmother, whom we kids called Grandma Tish.  She was a Divine Science minister and teacher in Chicago in the 30’s.

“Every stone in my pathway is a steppingstone.

Since I know and trust God’s guiding presence, I cannot dash my foot against a stone. Many of the stones that have obstructed my pathway in the past have been rolled away since I have been putting my faith in God.

The appearance of a stone in my pathway does not halt my progress. With the light of God’s love thrown upon this seeming obstacle, it becomes a steppingstone and serves me instead of hindering me.”

This teaching piece ends with this affirmation: “Today I am grateful for the chance to use truth in any challenge I have.”

After her husband passed on in 1940, Grandma Tish came to live with us on our dairy farm in southern Wisconsin. She never stopped trying to teach. We kids can attest to that.  

With her influence, and especially our mother’s living these teachings, much of it rubbed off on me and has influenced my life.   

Life’s ‘stones’ are endless as are our opportunities and choices to use them as ‘steppingstones’.  

Bob McClellan



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