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Baha’is of Flathead Reservation invite community to commemoration

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News from the Flathead Reservation Baha’is

In these times of worldwide affliction, the issue of racism has gained new meaning, and it’s about time. As a white doctor who has lived and worked on Indian reservations for most of my career, I have now had to really look at the impact of racism on all of us. 

I learned in medical school about the difference between the health of whites and Black, Indigenous, and people of color, but I did not learn anything about systemic racism, the ocean in which I was raised, in unconscious and unacknowledged privilege, and the seas in which the medicine I was learning were immersed. Even though my children and grandchildren are of mixed races, and I believed in the equality and oneness of humankind, still, I was unaware of the subtle and perilous depths of the disease of white supremacy in myself and in my beloved country, until the last couple years.

I am thankful that I am not alone in this growing awareness. Many people would agree that we are at a turning point as humanity, and as a country. The trials and tribulations of the last century and this one are requiring from us a new level of consciousness and courage, of spirituality and compassion, of truthfulness and responsibility. Really opening our eyes to the potential, power, and beauty of those whom our culture has so wronged and oppressed for centuries is essential for us to step into our highest destiny as a community and as a country.

“The American continent gives signs and evidences of very great advancement; its future is even more promising, for its influence and illumination are far-reaching, and it will lead all nations spiritually. The flag of freedom and banner of liberty have been unfurled here, but the prosperity and advancement of a city, the happiness and greatness of a country depend upon its hearing and obeying the call of God. The light of reality must shine therein and divine civilization be founded; then the radiance of the Kingdom will be diffused and heavenly influences surround.”

The above quote is from the words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, a Persian spiritual leader, who traveled extensively in our country and spoke for peace, justice and the oneness of the human race in this country for over nine months, in 1912. He had his finger on the pulse of our nation, clearly addressed our illnesses, and called us to our high destiny. This is in spite of being an old man, with his health broken by over 50 years of exile and imprisonment, which began when he was just a child. His father, Baha’u’llah, the Founder of the Baha’i Faith, was stripped of his wealth, his home and his freedom by the religious clergy of Iran in 1853 and died a prisoner and an exile in 1892. Abdu’l-Baha remained a prisoner of the Ottoman Turkish empire until he was finally released in 1908. 

Though he passed from this world 100 years ago, his loving presence and guidance remain a source of wisdom and hope tor over 5 million Baha’is and millions of their friends and collaborators in more than 300 countries around the globe.  Together they are uplifting their communities, and building social systems centered on divine principles. They are forming the emerging nucleus of the Kingdom of God on earth, as promised by Jesus Christ, and foreseen by all the major Prophets and by many Indigenous spiritual messengers in all parts of the planet. 

Baha’is worldwide are celebrating the life and service of ‘Abdu’l-Baha by commemorating the 100th anniversary of his ascension (Nov. 27, 1921). I invite you to join my community in one of those celebrations on Zoom featuring stories, songs and the film, EXEMPLAR, on Saturday, Nov. 27 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon MST, sponsored by the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Flathead Indian Reservation MT.

Meeting ID: 829 2363 8676 Passcode: 349448

Please call 406-883-1330 if you have any problems with the link, or if you have other questions.

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