Montana Public Radio to participate in Public Radio Music Day
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News from the University of Montana, Missoula
MISSOULA – Public radio music stations play an essential role in the music industry, connecting artists with new audiences and helping listeners discover new music. To celebrate that role, Montana Public Radio is participating in the second annual Public Radio Music Day presented by the noncomMUSIC Alliance on Nov. 10.
MTPR will feature local music programs throughout the day. Highlights include a special Freeforms program with music and comments from a number of hosts at 11 a.m., live music with University of Montana Chamber Chorale from the UM Recital Hall at 2 p.m., and a special webinar where listeners get to Meet the Hosts at 7 p.m. More information is available at
“Local public radio stations like MTPR play an essential and nearly singular role in boosting and sustaining the vitality of music and performers, and educating and enriching their communities,” MTPR program director Michael Marsolek said. “Listeners discover, learn about, and enjoy music selections, artists, and genres that are – in many cases – available only on public radio.”
The public radio music landscape is vast, varied, and everywhere. Across the United States, 734 public radio stations feature music as a primary or significant part of their formats. These stations serve all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam, in markets of every size. Collectively, they reach 20.5 million listeners weekly.
Noncommercial (public radio) music-format stations present a broad collection of sounds and styles, including jazz, blues, Americana, classical, folk, alternative, indie rock, bluegrass, roots, and other eclectic genres. Remarkably, 97 percent of classical music broadcast on U.S. radio comes from local public radio stations.
Public radio stations tailor their content and programming to their communities. They reflect regional tastes and talent, and provide airtime for artists and genres that get little or no play on mainstream channels.
Public radio music stations reach audiences across multiple platforms – on air, online, on video, on stage, and on-the-go. From broadcast to podcast, from video to live sessions, they meet listeners wherever they are with convenient, engaging listening experiences. Arguably no other entity or music provider in America matches public radio’s breadth and variety of music engagement.
A recent noncomMUSIC Alliance survey of 87 music-format public radio station partners (serving nearly nine million listeners) shows that a majority of these local stations provide a unique portal for music discovery and make music more accessible with:
— Knowledgeable local hosts and expert curation
— Special music programs to explore essential and emerging music and artists
— Live music performances in studio and in communities
— Music journalism, news, and local information
— Educational programs and cultural initiatives
Together, these initiatives foster community among music lovers, support local artists and the local music scene, and develop the next generation of musicians and audiences. This common mission of community service, education, and cultural support separates local public radio music stations from other music providers.
Montana Public Radio is a public service of the University of Montana and broadcasts on 89.1 Missoula (KUFM), 89.5 Polson (KPJH), 90.1 Kalispell. Learn more at: