St. Ignatius seniors for Oct. 6, 2021
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ST. IGNATIUS — Thank you to all who donated and volunteered at the yard and bake sale on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 and 2. It was well attended, and we had lots of folks stay for lunch. It was a wonderful community gathering.
The Lake County Health department will give out flu shots on Oct. 6, right before our Wednesday night dinner. If you would like to get your shot, please be here between 4 and 5:30 p.m. and bring your insurance card and please stay for dinner afterward.
On Friday, Oct. 22, Mary B. from Council on Aging will be here to talk about Medicare open enrollment during our lunch hour. There is also a sign-up sheet for folks wanting a one-on-one appointment comparing Medicare plans. This can be done in person or by phone on Nov. 19.
Menu for the week:
Wednesday, Oct, 6: dinner - Octoberfest – cider, pork roast, applesauce, salad, rolls, dessert
Friday, Oct. 8: chicken dinner, mashed potatoes, rolls, veggies, fruit and dessert
Tuesday, Oct. 12: meatloaf, potato wedges, salad, fruit, dessert
Have a great week.