St. Ignatius seniors for Jan. 27, 2021
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ST. IGNATIUS — We are already heading into the end of January, which seems unbelievable to me. We are still unsure as to the opening of our center for meals, and our delivery numbers are going up. We are so grateful to our participants and are very glad to be able to keep cooking for you.
Our evening meal for February will be on Wednesday, Feb. 17. We will serve at 5:30 p.m. and if there is enough interest, we will play bingo. There will be no delivery of this meal, however, pick-up orders are welcome. Please call the center by 2 p.m. if you would like a meal.
The menu for next week is:
— Friday, Jan. 29: soup and sandwich, veggies and fruit, cook’s choice dessert
— Tuesday, Feb. 2: million dollar spaghetti ham sandwiches, soup, sides
— Wednesday, Feb. 3: ham sandwiches, soup, sides
— Friday, Feb. 5: chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice, sides
Tuesday and Wednesday meals have been switched so please note this on your monthly menu.
We will hold a bake sale at the center on Friday, Feb. 12; so, come and pick up your Valentine’s Day goodies.
I sent home the February menu today in a much more readable format. Also, there is a newsletter in which I ask for meal suggestions. Please call me or jot down any ideas and give them to our driver. I appreciate all feedback.
Speaking of drivers, Jessica will no longer be delivering on Fridays, as she has a conflict with her other job. Gary Plouffe has agreed to drive once a week, and we are all very grateful. I know that our meal participants have missed him, and now they will get to see both Jessica and Gary in one week. Enjoy the week, and stay safe.