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No campaigning within 100 feet on Election Day

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News from the Lake County Election Office

Voters are reminded that they cannot campaign for a candidate within 100 feet of the courthouse on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3. Individuals will not be able to buy, sell, give, wear or display any badge, button, shirt, hat or mask within 100 feet of the courthouse. According to MCA 13-35-211 Electioneering -- soliciting information from electors:

A person may not do any electioneering on election day within any polling place or building in which an election is being held or within 100 feet of any entrance to the building in which the polling place is located that aids or promotes the success or defeat of any candidate or ballot issue to be voted upon at the election.

On election day, a candidate, a family member of a candidate, or a worker or volunteer for the candidate’s campaign may not distribute alcohol, tobacco, food, drink, or anything of value to a voter within a polling place or a building in which an election is being held or within 100 feet of an entrance to the building in which the polling place is located.

A person may not buy, sell, give, wear, or display at or about the polls on an election day any badge, button, or other insignia that is designed or tends to aid or promote the success or defeat of any candidate or ballot issue to be voted upon at the election.

A person within a polling place or any building in which an election is being held may not solicit from an elector, before or after the elector has marked a ballot and returned it to an election judge, information as to whether the elector intends to vote or has voted for or against a candidate or ballot issue.

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