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DIXON — Did you realize we in this area could be eating turkey dinner every day this week … Monday through Friday? Between the senior centers and free community dinners we can enjoy delicious turkey meals until Christmas (if you’re not turkeyed out by then). I hope we all remembered to pause and appreciate the blessings we still have, living in the USA. Now, it’s on to Christmas cookie and goody making ...
You may like to mark your calendars for some events coming up at Dixon Senior Center in December:
There will be a free Community Dinner for our friends and neighbors on Dec. 10. There will be stew, frybread and dessert served from 5-7 p.m. We would hope you come and bring your family and meet new friends. I’m always surprised to see so many people from Dixon that I don’t know at some meeting or celebration.
On Dec. 15 we will have our Christmas meal at noon, followed by a party. We have a good time with a gift exchange ... nothing over $10, wrapped and marked for a man, a woman, or either. It is fun to see who will end up with a gift, as it can be “stolen” by another person.
Here is our menu for half of December:
— Thursday, Dec. 1: chicken salad sandwiches, veggie soup
— Monday, Dec. 5: spaghetti, salad
— Thursday, Dec. 8: huckleberry pancakes, sausage
— Monday, Dec. 12: breaded chicken, mashed potatoes
— Thursday, Dec. 15: Christmas dinner
Our dinnertime on Mondays is now 5:30 p.m., for all year round. Lunch is served at noon on Thursdays. All ages are welcome and you can take some home or to a neighbor. Meals are only $4.
Have a nice time exploring the seasonal sales and all the bazaars around … it’s amazing how talented people can be.