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RONAN — Well, I hope that this makes it into the papers. I forgot to do it on Friday. One of the hazards of getting old, I guess. Glad the election and all those awful advertisements are over? Well, as my husband reminded me, now the Christmas and weight loss adds begin.

The center’s pork roast dinner is this Thursday, at 5:30 p.m. If you aren’t there, you will be missing a great meal for only $5.

Our Thanksgiving dinner will be at noon, on Wednesday, Nov. 16. The foot clinic will also be on that day, starting at 10 a.m. There is no cost for the clinic, but donations are gladly accepted.

The Ronan Senior Center’s annual bazaar is quickly approaching. It is on Saturday, Nov. 19. It starts at 10 a.m. and goes until 4 p.m. Lunch will also be served, and we plan on having a bake sale. Come in, and get an early start on your Christmas shopping. We will also be selling raffle tickets on our quilt along with other raffle prizes.

Bridge is played every Monday, at 2 p.m. If you would like to join the bridge players, they would be happy to have you. They would also like to get a group together to play cribbage.

Painting and crafts groups meet each Wednesday at 1 p.m. You can bring in whatever you want to work on.

The evening card players meet to play pinochle on Monday, Nov. 21. They start playing at 7 p.m.

We will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and the Friday afterwards. This gives our cooks a little more time to spend with their families.

We have had several of our members in the hospital and down with the cold that is going around, and we hope that all are now feeling better.

Our menu for the following week:

— Wednesday, Nov. 9: porcupine meatballs

— Thursday, Nov. 10: pork roast at 5 pm

— Friday, Nov. 11: soup and ham sandwiches

— Monday, Nov. 14: lasagna

— Wednesday, Nov. 16: our Thanksgiving dinner

— Friday, Nov. 18: baked fish

Have a great week, and lets hope that the snow holds off for awhile longer.

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